Francesco Morini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Ventilation modalities in infants with congenital diaphragmatic hernia SEMINARS IN PEDIATRIC SURGERY 2017
Embryological and clinical implications of the association between anorectal malformations and spinal dysraphisms PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 2017
Factors associated with spinal cord anomaly in patients with anorectal malformations 23rd International Meeting of the Pediatric Colorectal Club 2016
La riammissione in ospedale post-dimissione dei pazienti affetti da gastroschisi 9° Congresso Nazionale Congiunto 2016
Standardized Postnatal Management of Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in Europe: The CDH EURO Consortium Consensus-2015 Update NEONATOLOGY 2016
Outcome of infants operated on for congenital pulmonary malformations PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY 2016
Anorectal malformations associated spinal cord anomalies PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 2016
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Defect Size and Infant Morbidity at Discharge PEDIATRICS 2016
Evaluation of Variability in Inhaled Nitric Oxide Use and Pulmonary Hypertension in Patients With Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia JAMA PEDIATRICS 2016
Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology-II Predicts Outcome in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Patients PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 2016
O-04: The Role of Major Flap in Case of Long Gap Esophageal Atresia DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS 2016
P-26: Impact of Suture Material on the Fate of Anastomosis Following Esophageal Atresia Repair DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS 2016
O-08: Feeding Disorders in Children Operated on for Isolated Esophageal Atresia DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS 2016
Correlazione tra Lung to Head Ratio (LHR) e volume polmonare postdatate nei pazienti con ernia diaframmatica congenita (EDC) 8° Congresso Nazionale Congiunto 2015
La durata della ventilazione meccanica come predittore dell'outcome neuroevolutivo nei primi 2 anni nei pazienti operati per ernia diaframmatica congenita 8° Congresso Nazionale Congiunto 2015
Pleurodesis with povidone-iodine for refractory chylothorax in newborns: Personal experience and literature review JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 2015
Letter to the Editor in re: Foker process for the correction of long gap esophageal atresia: Primary treatment versus secondary treatment after prior esophageal surgery JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 2015
Gap measurement in patients with esophageal atresia: Not a trivial matter JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY 2015
VACTERL association in anorectal malformation: effect on the outcome PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL 2015

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