Fausta Rosati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Feeling safe and content: Relationship to internalized sexual stigma, self-awareness, and identity uncertainty in Italian lesbian and bisexual women JOURNAL OF LESBIAN STUDIES 2022
Experiences of non-binary patients in psychotherapy: Understanding the effect of uncomfortable VS affirmative settings 9th EU-SPR Chapter Meeting Rome 2022 Therapist Responsiveness: Challenges and Opportunities 2022
Non-Binary Clients’ Experiences of Psychotherapy: Uncomfortable and Affirmative Approaches INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Pensare al di là del binarismo di genere. Ovvero, come concepire l’inconcepibile Identità di genere: Prospettive teoretiche 2022
Terapeutə allo specchio: Un approccio autoriflessivo alla pratica clinica con persone trans e non binarie Gender R-Evolutions: immaginare l’inevitabile, sovvertire l’impossibile 2022
Non-binary people living in a binary world: Experiences and expectations in gendered places XXX Congresso della Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP) 2022
Experiences of Life and Intersectionality of Transgender Refugees Living in Italy: A Qualitative Approach 11th European Feminist Research Conference 2022
Orientamenti sessuali e identità di genere, la discriminazione delle persone LGBT+ in una prospettiva psicologica e clinica Oltre gli stereotipi sulla violenza di genere. Approcci, teorie e ricerche. 2022
Attitudes Toward Gender Typicality Education at School: Between (In)Experience, (Un)Preparedness, Stereotypes, and Bullying XXX Congresso della Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (AIP). Scuola di Psicologia dell'Università di Padova. 2022
Sexual experiences in chemsex: response, motivations, and sober sex in a group of italian men who have sex with men JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2022
“Persone transgender rifugiate: Esplorazione delle esperienze di vita e di intersezionalità attraverso un approccio qualitativo” Percorsi di migrazione: l’esperienza umana e le implicazioni psicologiche e neurologiche 2022
Minority stress, resilience, and health in Italian and Taiwanese LGB+ people: A cross-cultural comparison CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Le forme della vittimizzazione in adolescenza Dipartimento di Psicologia dei Processi di Sviluppo e Socializzazione 2021
The cardiovascular conundrum in ethnic and sexual minorities: a potential biomarker of constant coping with discrimination FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE 2021
Queer generativity in lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults: Personal, relational, and political/social behaviours JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2021
Experiences of life and intersectionality of transgender refugees living in italy: A qualitative approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2021
Sex in Chemsex: Sexual Response, Motivations, and Sober Sex in a Group of Italian Men Who Have Sex With Men With Sexualized Drug Use JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2021
Queer generativity. A community-based resilience strategy for sexual minorities European Conference on Community Psychology 2021
Verbal, physical, and relational peer victimization: The role of immigrant status and gender PSICOTHEMA 2020
Italian Sexual Minority Older Adults in Healthcare Services: Identities, Discriminations, and Competencies SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY 2020

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