Jacopo Tirillo'


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Sulfonated Fe3O4/PES nanocomposites as efficient separators in microbial fuel cells JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2020
Effect of temperature and MWCNTs on low velocity impact response of CFRP laminates ECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials 2020
Impact damage assessment in biocomposites by micro-CT and innovative air-coupled detection of laser-generated ultrasound COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 2019
Static and dynamic characterization of agglomerated cork and related sandwich structures COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 2019
Valorization and extraction of cellulose nanocrystals from North African grass: Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Diss) CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS 2019
Unprecedented high percentage of food waste powder filler in poly lactic acid green composites: synthesis, characterization, and volatile profile ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2019
Quasi-static and dynamic response of oriented strand boards based on balsa wood waste COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 2019
Thermal and mechanical behavior of thermoplastic composites reinforced with fibers enzymatically extracted from Ampelodesmos mauritanicus POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 2019
Quasi-static and low-velocity impact behavior of intraply hybrid flax/basalt composites FIBERS 2019
Durability of basalt/hemp hybrid thermoplastic composites POLYMERS 2019
Engineering the interfacial adhesion in basalt/epoxy composites by plasma polymerization COMPOSITES. PART A: APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING 2019
Effect of temperature and fiber type on impact behavior of thermoplastic fiber metal laminates COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 2019
Effect of pretreatment of nanocomposite PES-Fe3o4 separator on microbial fuel cells performance POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 2019
The potential of agglomerated cork for sandwich structures. A systematic Investigation of physical, thermal, and mechanical properties POLYMERS 2019
Role of interface formation versus fibres properties in the mechanical behaviour of bio-based composites manufactured by Liquid Composite Molding processes COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING 2019
Flexural and low velocity impact characterization of thermoplastic composites based on PEN and high performance woven fabrics POLYMER COMPOSITES 2018
Influence of thermal conditioning on tensile behaviour of single basalt fibres COMPOSITES. PART B, ENGINEERING 2018
A study of mechanical properties of foil materials for the GEM detector proposed for the CMS muon system upgrade at LHC POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 2018
Effect of nano-magnetite particle content on mechanical, thermal and magnetic properties of polypropylene composites POLYMER COMPOSITES 2018
Synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation of Fe3O4/PES nano composite membranes for microbial fuel cell EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 2018

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