Anna Mari Almila


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Fashion/Religion Interfaces RELIGIONS 2019
Introduction: The Travels and Tendencies of Wine The Globalization of Wine 2019
Wine, Women and Globalization: The Case of Female Sommeliers The Globalization of Wine 2019
Veiling in Fashion: Space and the Hijab in Minority Communities 2018
The Dressed Body, Material and Technology: Rethinking the Hijab through Sartorial Sociology INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FASHION STUDIES 2018
On the Hijab-Gift: Gift-Theoretical Considerations on the Ambivalences of Islamic Veiling in a Diasporic Context JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ANALYSIS AND SOCIAL CHANGE 2018
Creating and Routinizing Style and Immediacy: Keith Floyd and the South-West English Roots of New Cookery Mediatizations Globalized Eating Cultures: Mediatization and Mediation 2018
`It's play, really, isn't it?' Dress, creativity, old age Creativity in Later Life: Beyond Late Style 2018
The Hijab as Gift: Mechanisms of Community Socialisation in the Muslim Diaspora Socialization - A Multidimensional Perspective 2018
The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices 2017
What is `Fashion' Really? The Promise of an Ecumenical Analytic for Fashion Studies and Beyond in a Globalized World Epistemology and Transformation of Knowledge in Global Age 2017
Veiling Studies and Globalization Studies The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices 2017
Veiling, Gender and Space: On the fluidity of ‘public’ and ‘private’ The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices 2017
Introduction: The Veil across the Globe in Politics, Everyday Life, and Fashion The Routledge International Handbook to Veils and Veiling Practices 2017
Fashion, Anti-Fashion, Non-Fashion and Symbolic Capital: The Uses of Dress among Muslim Minorities in Finland FASHION THEORY 2016
The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Sociology 2016
Cultural Sociology of Fashion: On the Sartorial, Symbolic and Social The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Sociology 2016
Actor Network Theory and Its Cultural Uses The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Sociology 2016
Women, Fashion, Power FASHION THEORY 2015

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