Valentina Spensieri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
A cluster analysis of adolescents’ styles of technology use: what is the role of maladaptive personality functioning? MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
From attachment to parents to somatic symptoms in children: exploring the mediation role of anxiety, attachment to peers and depressive symptoms 5th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, 14-16 November 2018, Miguel Hernández University, Oviedo, Spain. BOOK OF ABSTRACTSBook of Abstracts, Ediciones Piramide 2019
What is the role of somatic symptoms in the relationship between depression and problematic videogame use? 5th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents, BOOK OF ABSTRACTSBook of Abstracts, Ediciones Piramide 2019
"A psychodynamic couselling intervention for university students seeking psychological help" - Proceedings XXI National Congress Italian Psychological Association, Clinical and Dynamic Section, Milan-27-29 September 2019, SYMPOSIUM SESSION MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2019
La versione italiana del CDI 2 CDI-2. Children's Depression Inventory. Second Edition 2018
The role of difficulty in identifying and describing feelings in non-suicidal self-injury behavior (NSSI): Associations with perceived attachment quality, stressful life events, and suicidal ideation FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2018
Problematic mobile-phone use, personality traits-domains and emotion regulation in adolescence GAMBLING ADDICTION SCIENCE, INDEPENDENCE, TRANSPARENCY, 4 th International Multidisciplinary Symposium, AbstractBook 2018
The impact of shyness on internet addiction in preadolescence: the mediating role of somatic symptoms Gambling addiction: Science, Independence, Transparency 2018
Does depressive symptomatology moderate the relationship between problematic internet use and psychoticism domain in adolescence? 4th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents. Book of Abstracts 2018
The impact of problematic mobile phone use on sleep quality in preadolescence: the mediating role of somatic symptoms MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2018
A comprehensive approach to understand somatic symptoms and their impact on emotional and psychosocial functioning in children PLOS ONE 2017
An exploratory study on internet addiction, somatic symptoms and emotional and behavioral functioning in school-aged adolescents CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHIATRY 2017
Implicazioni della timidezza e dei sintomi somatici nel bullismo RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2017
Alexithymia and psychopathological symptoms in adolescent outpatients and mothers suffering from migraines. A case control study THE JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN 2016
Painful somatic symptoms and nonsuicidal self-injury behavior (NSSI) in adolescence: A possible link? MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY 2016
The potential impact of internet and mobile use on headache and other somatic symptoms in adolescence. a population-based cross-sectional study HEADACHE 2016
La relazione tra sintomi somatici, sintomi ansiosi e rischio depressivo in adolescenza RASSEGNA DI PSICOLOGIA 2015
Somatic compaints, depressive symptoms and functional disability: a study in school aged children and adolescents PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS 2015
The effect of the virtual interactions on wellbeing in adolescence: exploring the relationship between internet addiction, headache and depressive symptoms CEPHALALGIA 2015
Internet addiction, physical symptoms, emozional and behavioral functioning among middle school children: An exploratory study JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS 2015

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