Emanuela Cristiani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Dental calculus and isotopes provide direct evidence of fish and plant consumption in Mesolithic Mediterranean SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
High-resolution AMS dating of architecture, boulder artworks and the transition to farming at lepenski Vir SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Taking beads seriously: prehistoric forager ornamental traditions in Southeastern Europe PALEOANTHROPOLOGY 2018
Una nuova stagione di ricerche preistoriche in Cansiglio: la Grotta del Pian del Landro FRAMMENTI 2018
Studying Palaeolithic macro-lithic tools’ uses by combining functional and spatial analyses. Preliminary results from Grotta di Fumane (Italy) Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica 2017
Corrigendum: Early evidence of stone tool use in bone working activities at Qesem Cave, Israel SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017
Early evidence of stone tool use in bone working activities at Qesem Cave, Israel SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2016
Dental calculus reveals Mesolithic foragers in the Balkans consumed domesticated plant foods PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2016
The ‘Hidden Foods’ project: new research into the role of plant foods in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic societies of South-east Europe and Italy ANTIQUITY 2016
The Uluzzian technology of Grotta di Fumane and its implication for reconstructing cultural dynamics in the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic transition of Western Eurasia JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION 2016
Social networks and connectivity among the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic foragers of the Balkans and Italy Southeast Europe before Neolithisation 2016
Fishing with lure hooks at the Late Neolithic site of Vinča - Belo Brdo, Serbia JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE 2016
Mesolithic harpoons from Odmut, Montenegro: chronological, contextual, and techno-functional analyses QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2016
Late Epigravettian and Mesolithic foragers of the eastern Alpine region: animal exploitation and ornamental strategies at Riparo Biarzo (Northern Italy) QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2016
Appendix A: Microscopic Analysis and Interpretation of Cutmarks, Incisions, and Scraping Marks on Human Skeletal Remains from Lepenski Vir Deathways at Lepenski Vir. Pattern in mortuary practice 2016
A retouched bone shaft from the Late Mousterian at Fumane cave (Italy). Technological, experimental and micro-wear analysis COMPTES RENDUS PALEVOL 2015

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