Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Building Collective Knowledge Through Design: The Making of the Contrada Nicolò Riparian Garden Along the Simeto River (Sicily, Italy) | LANDSCAPE RESEARCH | 2016 |
The struggle for the future of public housing in Memphis, Tennessee: Reflections on HUD's choice neighborhoods planning program | CITIES | 2016 |
The fight for Foote Homes: a peoples’ struggle to save public housing in Memphis, TN. | PROGRESSIVE PLANNING | 2016 |
Migliorare senza demolire Foote Homes | La ricerca-azione in urbanistica | 2016 |
The Green Machine Mobile Food Market: a flexible response to food insecurity in the Bluff City (aka Memphis, Tennessee) | Growing livelihoods. Local food systems and community development | 2015 |
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