Marisa Patrizia Messina


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Caesarean Section in Preventing Stillbirths in Pregnancy Complicated with COVID-19: a Narrative Review LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2021
Study of childbirth education classes and evaluation of their effectiveness LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2020
Role of neurotrophins in pregnancy, delivery and postpartum EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY, AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 2020
Nerve growth factor in the psychiatric brain RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2020
Antioxidant properties of plant polyphenols in the counteraction of alcohol-abuse induced damage: impact on the mediterranean diet JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 2020
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders awareness in health professionals: Implications for psychiatry RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2020
Oxidative stress inhibition by resveratrol in alcohol dependent mice NUTRITION 2020
Neuroinflammatory markers in the serum of prepubertal children with down syndrome JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH 2020
Self-efficacy in breastfeeding support: A research on italian midwifery students ACTA BIOMEDICA 2020
Physiological responses to induced stress in individuals affected by alcohol use disorder with dual diagnosis and alexithymia LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2020
Nerve growth factor in alcohol use disorders CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 2020
The role of cytokines in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a review LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2020
Development of the pregnancy and motherhood evaluation questionnaire (PMEQ) for evaluating and measuring the impact of physical disability on pregnancy and the management of motherhood. A pilot study DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION 2020
Pregnancy in women with physical and intellectual disability: psychiatric implications RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2020
Post-partum e cura del neonato Ginecologia e Ostetricia 2020
Fetus morphology changes by second-trimester ultrasound in pregnant women drinking alcohol ADDICTION BIOLOGY 2019
Behavioral responses in people affected by alcohol use disorder and psychiatric comorbidity: correlations with addiction severity ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ 2019
Treatment of alcohol dependence. Alcohol and young: social point of view RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA 2018
Virtual Morris task responses in individuals in an abstinence phase from alcohol CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2018
Nerve growth factor in brain diseases BIOMEDICAL REVIEWS 2018

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