Giulia D'Amati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Diagnosing myocarditis in endomyocardial biopsies: survey of current practice CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY 2022
Nephroangiosclerosis not related to hypertension: a matter to resolve in the era of precision medicine JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION 2022
Cardiomyopathies Cardiovascular Pathology 2022
Pathological examination of breast cancer samples before and after neoadjuvant therapy: recommendations from the Italian Group for the Study of Breast Pathology - Italian Society of Pathology (GIPaM-SIAPeC) PATHOLOGICA 2022
Assessment of patients presenting with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and suspected myocarditis: the key role of endomyocardial biopsy HEART RHYTHM 2021
Severe impact of Covid-19 pandemic on breast cancer care in Italy: a senonetwork national survey CLINICAL BREAST CANCER 2021
“Protenuria in SLE: Is it always lupus?” LUPUS 2021
Left Posterior Fascicular Block and Increased Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death in Young People JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY 2021
Fatal Takotsubo syndrome in critical COVID-19 related pneumonia CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY 2021
Standard of care and promising new agents for the treatment of mesenchymal triple-negative breast cancer CANCERS 2021
Cardiac hypertrophy at autopsy VIRCHOWS ARCHIV 2021
Results of adrenalectomy for isolated, metachronous metastasis of breast cancer: a retrospective cohort study FRONTIERS IN SURGERY 2021
Weekly chemotherapy as first line treatment in frail head and neck cancer patients in the immunotherapy era JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2021
Cardiac involvement in consecutive unselected hospitalized COVID-19 population: in-hospital evaluation and one-year follow-up INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2021
Plasmatic and myocardial microRNA profiles in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2021
Exploring the ability of lars2 carboxy-terminal domain in rescuing the melas phenotype LIFE 2021
Anti–PD-1 and Anti–PD-L1 in head and neck cancer: a network meta-analysis FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY 2021
Evaluating PD-L1 in head & neck squamous cell carcinoma: concordance between 22C3 PharmaDx and SP263 assays on whole sections from a multicenter study HISTOPATHOLOGY 2021
A multidisciplinary approach for the differential diagnosis between multiple primary lung adenocarcinomas and intrapulmonary metastases PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 2021
Myocardial fibrosis: morphologic patterns and role of imaging in diagnosis and prognostication CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY 2021

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma