Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Simplified assessment of blue light emissions based on photometric measurements: example of application to LEDs and fluorescent lamps for general lighting systems | 2018 IEEE International conference on environment and electrical engineering and 2018 IEEE industrial and commercial power systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018 | 2018 |
Outdoor workers exposed to UV radiation: comparison of UV index forecasting methods | 2018 IEEE International conference on environment and electrical engineering and 2018 IEEE industrial and commercial power systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018 | 2018 |
Colour resistance of Zn–Ti coatings to corrosive environments | SURFACE ENGINEERING | 2017 |
Smart technologies: useful tools to assess the exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation for general population and outdoor workers | IET Conference Publications | 2017 |
The Impact of Spectral Composition of White LEDs on Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) Growth and Development | ENERGIES | 2017 |
The pedestrian's perspective: How do illuminance variations affect reassurance? | Conference Proceedings - 2017 17th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 1st IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2017PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE | 2017 |
Exploring the daylight simulation of filter panels in a pre-tunnel structure | Conference Proceedings - 2017 17th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 1st IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2017 | 2017 |
A quantitative evaluation of the mutual influences among Smart strategies applied at district level. | Conference Proceedings - 2017 17th IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2017 1st IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2017PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE | 2017 |
Versatile exposure system for laboratory experiments finalized to therapeutic applications in the if range | IEEE JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, RF AND MICROWAVES IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. | 2017 |
The impact of spectral composition of white LEDs on spinach (Spinacia oleracea) growth and development | 17th CIRIAF National Congress Sustainable Development, Human Health and Environmental Protection | 2017 |
Adaptive control for lighting, shading and HVAC systems in near zero energy buildings | EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering | 2016 |
Dynamic Lighting For Space Habitats | 18th Italian National Conference on Photonic Technologies (Fotonica 2016) | 2016 |
LED lighting effect on sleep, sleepiness, mood and vigor | EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering | 2016 |
Study for optimizing the daylight 'filter' in a pre-tunnel structure | EEEIC 2016 - International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering | 2016 |
The effects of LED lighting on sleep and sleepiness | Special IssueJOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH | 2016 |
Lighting Design for Plant Growth and Human Comfort | Proceedings of 28th CIE Session 2015 | 2015 |
Approfondimento sperimentale sulla capacità delle nuove sorgenti di illuminazione artificiale di influenzare le performance, la qualità e la quantità del sonno | 2015 | |
Studio dell'uso del colore come materiale progettuale per la crescita psicopedagogica del bambino | Colore e Colorimetria. Contributi Multidisciplinari | 2015 |
Il ruolo del colore nel progetto di un modulo abitativo per la stazione spaziale internazionale | CULTURA E SCIENZE DEL COLORE / COLOR CULTURE AND SCIENCE | 2015 |
A methodological comparison between energy and environmental performance evaluation | SUSTAINABILITY | 2015 |
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