Linda Giresini


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Structural irregularity: The analysis of two reinforced concrete (r.c.) buildings ENGINEERING SOLID MECHANICS 2019
One-Sided rocking analysis of corner mechanisms in masonry structures: Influence of geometry, energy dissipation, boundary conditions SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2019
Stochastic assessment of rocking masonry façades under real seismic records 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2019
The corner failure in a masonry building damaged by the 2016-2017 Central Italy earthquake sequence Proceedings of COMPDYN 2019 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2019
Wall-to-horizontal diaphragm connections in historical buildings: A state-of-the-art review ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 2019
Non-Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis of Rocking Masonry Corners Using Rigid Macro-Block Modelling INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY & DYNAMICS 2019
A review on wall-to-timber floor anchorages in URM buildings IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report 2019
Method for sustainable large-scale bridges survey IABSE Symposium, Guimaraes 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management - Report 2019
In situ free-vibration tests on unrestrained and restrained rocking masonry walls EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 2018
Production procedures and mechanical behaviour of interlocking stabilized compressed earth blocks (ISCEBs) manufactured using float ram 1.0 press ENGINEERING SOLID MECHANICS 2018
An on-site teaching laboratory in a village damaged by the 2009 Abruzzo earthquake FRATTURA E INTEGRITÀ STRUTTURALE 2018
Fragility curves for free and restrained rocking masonry façades in one-sided motion ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 2018
Le valutazioni elementari sulle strutture: modellazione di aspetti critici di strutture in muratura e in c.a Ingegneria Forense in Campo Strutturale 2017
Experimental Analyses and Numerical Models of CLT Shear Walls under Cyclic Loading Wood in Civil Engineering 2017
Horizontally restrained rocking blocks: evaluation of the role of boundary conditions with static and dynamic approaches BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2017
Non-linear modeling of masonry churches through a discrete macro-element approach EARTHQUAKES AND STRUCTURES 2017
Rocking and Kinematic Approaches for Rigid Block Analysis of Masonry Walls: State of the Art and Recent Developments BUILDINGS 2017
Analisi Statiche e Dinamiche Incrementali per la Valutazione della Risposta Fuori Piano della Facciata di una Chiesa colpita dal Terremoto Centro Italia 2016-17 Proceedings of the XVII ANIDIS Conference on "L'ingegneria sismica in Italia" 2017
The “Triple R” approach on the restoration of archaeological dry stone city walls: procedures and application to a UNESCO World Heritage site in Southern Arabia CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES 2017
Design strategy for the rocking stability of horizontally restrained masonry walls COMPDYN 2017 : 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 2017

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