Cecilia Grieco


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Marketing alliances in digital firms. An analysis of benefits and risks SINERGIE 2017
Co-marketing alliances: definitions and approaches. Insights from a literature review MANAGEMENT RESEARCH REVIEW 2017
B Corps and their social impact communication strategy: does the talk match the walk? SIM: Marketing e retail nei mercati che cambiano 2016
The social value of the sharing economy: a classification of innovative models in the food industry Sinergie: Management in a Digital World: Decisions, Production, Communication 2016
Marketing alliances in digital firms: An analysis of benefits and risks Sinergie: Management in a Digital World:Decisions, Production, Communication 2016
Co-marketing: state of the art and existing approaches. Insights from a literature review SIM: Marketing e retail nei mercati che cambiano 2016
Communicating CSR: integrated approach or Selfie? Evidence from the Milan Stock Exchange JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2016
L'evoluzione della CSR nei sistemi di certificazione. L'impegno etico, la gestione ambientale e la guida ISO sulla responsabilità sociale 2015
Assessing social impact of social enterprises. Does one size really fit all? 2015
The role of the innovation catalyst in social innovation. An Italian case SINERGIE 2015
Messene andata e ritorno. Analisi e implicazioni dei processi di misurazione dell’impatto sociale Colloquio scientifico sull’impresa sociale 2015
Measuring value creation in social enterprises. A cluster analysis of social impact assessment models NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY 2015


  • SH1_10
  • SH1_11

Interessi di ricerca

Innovazione dei modelli di business, sharing economy, marketing e comunicazione


business model innovation
Sharing economy

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma