Luca Aldega


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Base cation mobility in vineyard soils of the Colli Albani volcanic district (Central Italy) JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION 2022
Corrigendum to ‘Structural analysis and fluid geochemistry as tools to assess the potential of the Tocomar geothermal system, Central Puna (Argentina)’ [Geothermics Volume 98, January 2022, 102297] GEOTHERMICS 2022
Geometry and topology of fractures and faults affecting anticlines in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt: a multiscale approach EGU General Assembly 2021 2021
Middle Holocene environmental reconstruction and climatic inferences through multi-proxy records from Seymareh lake sediments (Zagros Mts., Iran) EGU General Assembly 2021 2021
Thermal maturity of the Hawasina units and origin of the Batinah Mélange (Oman Mountains). Insights from clay minerals MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2021
Timing of Alpine orogeny and postorogenic extension in the Alboran Domain, Inner Rif chain, Morocco TECTONICS 2021
U-Pb age of the 2016 Amatrice earthquake causative fault (Mt. Gorzano, Italy) and paleo-fluid circulation during seismic cycles inferred from inter- and co-seismic calcite TECTONOPHYSICS 2021
Architecture and evolution of an extensionally-inverted thrust (Mt. Tancia Thrust, Central Apennines). Geological, structural, geochemical, and K–Ar geochronological constraints JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2020
K-Ar fault gouge dating of Neogene thrusting. The case of the siliciclastic deposits of the Trasimeno Tectonic Wedge (Northern Apennines, Italy) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2020
Tectonic evolution of the Northern Oman Mountains, part of the Strait of Hormuz syntaxis. New structural and paleothermal analyses and U-Pb dating of synkinematic Calcite TECTONICS 2020
Trophism, climate and paleoweathering conditions across the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Massignano section (northern Apennines, Italy) SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 2020
Geological Map of the Tocomar Basin (Puna Plateau, NW Argentina). Implication for the Geothermal System Investigation ENERGIES 2020
The role of trapped fluids during the development and deformation of a carbonate/shale intra-wedge tectonic mélange (Mt. Massico, Southern Apennines, Italy) JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2020
Disproving the Presence of Paleozoic‐Triassic Metamorphic Rocks on the Island of Zannone (Central Italy): Implications for the Early Stages of the Tyrrhenian‐Apennines Tectonic Evolution TECTONICS 2020
An integrated platform for thermal maturity assessment of polyphase, long-lasting sedimentary basins, from classical to brand-new thermal parameters and models: An example from the on-shore Baltic Basin (Poland) MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 2020
Detecting syn-orogenic extension and sediment provenance of the Cilento wedge top basin (southern Apennines, Italy). Mineralogy and geochemistry of fine-grained sediments and petrography of dispersed organic matter TECTONOPHYSICS 2019
Architecture and evolution of an extensionally-inverted thrust (Monte Tancia thrust, central Apennines, Italy): geological, structural, geochemical, and K-Ar geochronological constraints Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI Parma 2019 2019
Unraveling multiple thermotectonic events accommodated by crustal-scale faults in Northern Iberia, Spain. Insights from K-Ar dating of clay gouges TECTONICS 2019
3D structural modeling and restoration of the Apennine-Maghrebian chain in Sicily. Application for non-cylindrical fold-and-thrust belts TECTONOPHYSICS 2019
Development of an intrawedge tectonic mélange by out-of-sequence thrusting, buttressing, and intraformational rheological contrast, Mt. Massico Ridge, Apennines, Italy TECTONICS 2019


  • PE10_5
  • PE10_12

Interessi di ricerca

(1) Evoluzione termica e tettonica di catene a pieghe e sovrascorrimenti

(2) Ricostruzione della storia di seppellimento ed esumazione di bacini sedimentari per la valutazione del sistema petrolifero

(3) Processi diagenetici e di basso grado metamorfico in peliti

(4) Correlazione di indicatori di paleotemperatura provenienti da minerali argillosi, materia organica e inclusioni fluide

(5) Valutazione dell’attività cosismica di faglie tramite lo studio integrato di caratteristiche fisico meccaniche e mineralogiche di rocce di faglia e datazioni K-Ar di cristalli di illite sin-cinematica

(6) Valutazione di rocce sigillo e serbatoio per l’esplorazione geotermica tramite un approccio integrato di geologia stratigrafica, geologia strutturale, inclusioni fluide, mineralogia delle argille e riflettanza della vitrinite


thermal maturity
burial (geology)
1D thermal modelling
clay minerals
mixed layer illite-smectite
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
vitrinite reflectance

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma