Luca Ricciardi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Awake surgery for skills preservation during a sensory area tumor resection in a clarinet player ACTA NEUROLOGICA BELGICA 2020
Minimally invasive decompression with posterior elements preservation versus laminectomy and fusion for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of surgical, clinical and radiological outcomes SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2020
Answer to the letter to the editor of Christensen S et al. concerning “The role of non-rigid cervical collar in pain relief and functional restoration after whiplash injury—a systematic review and a pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials” by Ricciardi L et al. (Eur Spine J; [2019] 28:1821–1828) EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL 2020
Comparison between VII-to-VII and XII-to-VII coaptation techniques for early facial nerve reanimation after surgical intra-cranial injuries: a systematic review and pooled analysis of the functional outcomes NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW 2020
Spontaneous Vertebral Aspergillosis, the State of art: A Systematic Literature Review NEUROSPINE 2020
The role of cervical collar in functional restoration and fusion after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion without plating on single or double levels: a systematic review and meta-analysis EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL 2020
X-ray exposure in odontoid screwing for Anderson type II fracture: comparison between O-arm and C-arm-assisted procedures ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA 2020
Letter: Internal Auditory Canal Variability: Anatomic Variation Affects Cisternal Facial Nerve Visualization OPERATIVE NEUROSURGERY 2020
Fenestration of Peritoneal Catheter to Avoid Abdominal Pseudocyst Formation after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts: A Technical Note JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY. PART A, CENTRAL EUROPEAN NEUROSURGERY 2020
Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Blister Aneurysms: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis AJNR, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY 2020
Skipped vertebral spontaneous spondylodiscitis caused by Granulicatella adiacens: case report and a systematic literature review JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 2020
Submandibular approach for single-stage craniovertebral junction ventral decompression and stabilization: a preliminary cadaveric study of technical feasibility WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Cervical spine involvement in a challenging case of accidental strangulation THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND PATHOLOGY 2019
Comment on the paper entitled: “Tumorous spinal lesions: Computer aided diagnosis and evaluation based on CT data - A review” CURRENT MEDICAL IMAGING REVIEWS 2019
Erratum to ‘Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography and Color Doppler: Guided Intraoperative Embolization of Intracranial Highly Vascularized Tumors’ (World Neurosurgery (2019) 128 (547–555), (S1878875019314196), (10.1016/j.wneu.2019.05.142)) WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Significance of H3K27M Mutation in “Nonmidline” High-Grade Gliomas of Cerebral Hemispheres WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding “The Exoscope in Neurosurgery: An Innovative Point of View. A Systematic Review of the Technical, Surgical, and Educational Aspects” WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
Comparison of Anterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion versus Laminoplasty in the Treatment of Multilevel Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical and Radiological Outcomes WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019
The role of non-rigid cervical collar in pain relief and functional restoration after whiplash injury: a systematic review and a pooled analysis of randomized controlled trials EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL 2019
Exoscope Era: Next Technical and Educational Step in Microneurosurgery WORLD NEUROSURGERY 2019

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