Marina Gallinaro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The ASArt-DATA project. Current perspectives on central Saharan rock art QUADERNI DI ARCHEOLOGIA DELLA LIBIA 2020
Impacts of scientific approaches on rock art research. Global perspectives QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2020
Rock, pigments, and weathering. A preliminary assessment of the challenges and potential of physical and biochemical studies on rock art from southern Ethiopia QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2020
Tadrart Acacus rock art sites Encyclopedia of global archaeology 2020
Dirk Huyge and Francis Van Noten (Eds.): What Ever Happened to the People? Humans and Anthropomorphs in the Rock Art of Northern Africa AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW 2019
Ancestral mitochondrial N lineage from the Neolithic 'green' Sahara SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2019
Archaeology in Africa. Potentials and perspectives on laboratory & fieldwork research. Papers from the 1st workshop (Rome 6-7 December 2017). 2019
Introducing the 1st Workshop on “Archaeology in Africa” Archaeology in Africa. Potentials and perspectives on laboratory & fieldwork research 2019
The archaeology of Western Sahara: a synthesis of fieldwork, 2002 to 2009 AZANIA 2019
Plant behaviour from human imprints and the cultivation of wild cereals in Holocene Sahara NATURE PLANTS 2018
Trapping or tethering stones (TS). A multifunctional device in the pastoral Neolithic of the Sahara PLOS ONE 2018
Rock art between preservation, research and sustainable development. A perspective from southern Ethiopia AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW 2018
Mobility and pastoralism in the Egyptian Western Desert. Steinplätze in the Holocene regional settlement patterns Mobility and pastoralism in the Egyptian Western Desert. Steinplätze in the Holocene regional settlement patterns 2018
Raw material exploitation and lithic variability at the MSA site of Gotera, southern Ethiopia: technological and quantitative approaches combined Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2018
New investigations in Southern Ethiopia (Yabelo And Gotera). Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological evidence SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ 2017
Colour in context. Pigments and other coloured residues from the Early-Middle Holocene site of Takarkori (SW Libya) ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2016
Climatic changes and social transformations in the Near East and North Africa during the ‘long’ 4th millennium BC. A comparative study of environmental and archaeological evidence QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS 2016
The role of mobility in Saharan archaeological research (1960-present) AZANIA 2016
Rock art landscape of the central Saharan massifs. A contextual analysis of Round Heads style L'art rupestre d'Afrique 2016
Ötzi the Iceman. Examining new evidence from the famous copper age mummy EXPEDITION 2016


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