Francesca Bozzano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Satellite A-DinSAR monitoring of the Vittoriano monument (Rome, Italy). Implications for heritage preservation ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2020
A hierarchical model for the Rocca di Sciara northeastern slope instabilities (Sicily, Italy) Applied geology. Approaches to future resource management 2020
Stable. Structural stability risk assessment Proceedings of SPIE 11524. Eighth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment 2020
Impact of landslides on transportation routes during the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence LANDSLIDES 2019
Object-oriented geomorphological mapping model for landslide system analysis Geophysical Research Abstracts 2019
A-DInSAR performance for updating landslide inventory in mountain areas. An example from Lombardy region (Italy) GEOSCIENCES 2019
Modelling of seismic urban wavefield in highly heterogeneous Site- City configurations Earthquake geotechnical engineering for protection and development of environment and constructions. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference (ICEGE 2019) 2019
The coseismic faulting of the San Benedetto tunnel (2016, Mw 6.6 central Italy earthquake) Tunnels and underground cities. Engineering and innovation meet archaeology, architecture and art. Proceedings of the WTC 2019 ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2019), May 3-9, 2019, Naples, Italy 2019
Imaging multi-age construction settlement behaviour by advanced SAR interferometry REMOTE SENSING 2018
Discussion to: ‘Guidelines on the use of inverse velocity method as a tool for setting alarm thresholds and forecasting landslides and structure collapses’ by T. Carlà, E. Intrieri, F. Di Traglia, T. Nolesini, G. Gigli and N. Casagli LANDSLIDES 2018
Digital image correlation (DIC) analysis of the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide (Basilicata, Southern Italy). Results from a multi-dataset investigation ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION 2018
A hierarchical model for the Rocca di Sciara north-eastern slope instabilities (Sicily, Italy) Atti del VI Congresso Nazionale AIGA 2018 2018
Unravelling the style and timing of slope-to-channel system morphoevolution in tectonically active landscapes: new insights from the Northern Apennines of Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts 2018
Basin scale assessment of landslides geomorphological setting by advanced InSAR analysis REMOTE SENSING 2017
Experimental Landslide Monitoring Site of Poggio Baldi landslide (Santa Sofia, N-Apennine, Italy) Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides 2017
Multisensor landslide monitoring as a challenge for early warning. From process based to statistic based approaches 2017
Assessment of landslide pre-failure monitoring and forecasting using satellite SAR interferometry GEOSCIENCES 2017
Ground effects triggered by the 24th August 2016, Mw 6.0 Amatrice (Italy) earthquake. Surveys and inventoring to update the CEDIT catalogue GEOGRAFIA FISICA E DINAMICA QUATERNARIA 2017
Analysis of the seismic site effects along the ancient Via Laurentina (Rome) ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS 2017


  • PE10_13
  • PE10_14
  • PE10_20

Interessi di ricerca

Opero nel campo della geologia applicata e i miei interessi sono rivolti ai rischi geologici e alla progettazione geologica di opere e interventi sul territorio.

Mi occupo in particolare di frane, indotte da piogge e da sismi, di processi di subsidenza, di apertura voragini in ambito urbano, di microzonazione simica del territorio e del loro impatto sul costruito. Seguo attraverso monitoraggio in remoto (EO) e da contatto (GEOTECHNICAL MONITORING) l’evoluzione di alcuni di questi processi di dissesto con l’obiettivo di prevederne l’evoluzione per anticiparne la fase di collasso. Ho intrapreso una linea di attività sulla analisi di pericolosità e rischi geologici multipli (MULTI GEOLOGICAL HAZARDS AND RISKS), anche in ambito urbano. 

Ho affinato le metodologie proprie dell’”ENGINEEERING GEOLOGY” e la combinazione di queste, per supportare la progettazione di grandi opere e di interventi sul territorio. 




Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
earthquake-triggered landslides
remote sensing
seismic microzonation
geological and hydrogeological characterization
3D geological modeling

Gruppi di ricerca - Responsabile

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