Paolo Teofilatto


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Astrobio cubesat: A nanosatellite for astrobiology experiments in space Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 2020
Station-keeping about sun-mars three-dimensional quasi-periodic collinear libration point trajectories Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: 5th IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and Cubesat Workshop, 2020 2020
Dynamics of three-dimensional capture orbits from libration region analysis ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 2019
Design of low-energy capture trajectories in the elliptic restricted four-body problem PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS 2019
Implementation and hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a magnetic detumbling and pointing control based on three-axis magnetometer data AEROSPACE 2019
Space traffic management: towards safe and unsegregated space transport operations PROGRESS IN AEROSPACE SCIENCES 2019
Ison network tracking of space debris: current status and achievements Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica: Serie de Conferencias 2019
Ascent Trajectory Optimization and Neighboring Optimal Guidance of Multistage Launch Vehicles Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering 2019
Design Methodology and Performance Evaluation of New Generation Sounding Rockets INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 2018
Design and numerical validation of an algorithm for the detumbling and angular rate determination of a cubesat using only three-axis magnetometer data INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 2018
Long-term capture orbits for low-energy space missions CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY 2018
Dynamics of capture orbits from libration region analysis 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen, Germany, 1-5 October 2018 2018
Performance evaluation methodology for multistage launch vehicles with high-fidelity modeling ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 2018
ON THE BELETSKY EQUATION Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Volume 163, 2018, Pages 729-746 2018
LUNISAT ORBIT MAINTENANCE AND LOW-THRUST MANEUVERS Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Volume 163, 2018, Pages 729-746 2018
LUNISAT ORBIT MAINTENANCE AND LOW-THRUST MANEUVERS Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 4th IAA Dynamics and Control of Space Systems Conference, Volume 163 2018
Invariant manifold connections via polyhedral representation ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 2017
Long-term capture orbits for low-energy space missions Abstracts CELMEC VII 2017
Design and development of a full 5-DOF testbed for testing nanosatellites formation flying, rendezvous and proximity operations Abstracts IWSCFF 2017 2017
Accurate modeling and heuristic trajectory optimization of multistage launch vehicles Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 2017

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