Alessandro Trebbastoni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Promoting the assessment of frailty in the clinical approach to cognitive disorders FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 2017
Inappropriate Sexual Behaviors Among Community-Dwelling Patients with Dementia AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY 2017
External validity of randomized controlled trials on Alzheimer's disease: the biases of frailty and biological aging FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 2017
The impact of frailty on the risk of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease: evidences from a five-year observational study FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2017
Cognitive training in patients with Alzheimer's disease: findings of a 12-month randomized controlled trial. CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH 2017
Altered cortical synaptic plasticity in response to 5 hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation as a new electrophysiological finding in amnestic mild cognitive impairment converting to alzheimer’s disease. results from a four-year prospective cohort study FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 2016
Primary progressive oral apraxia: a ten year long follow-up case report JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 2016
Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness changes in alzheimer's disease: results from a 12-month prospective case series NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 2016
Progressive choroidal thickness attenuation in patients with Alzheimer's disease: results from a 12-months prospective study JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE 2016
Musical cognition in Alzheimer’s disease: application of the Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia (MBEA) ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 2016
Sundowning in dementia. clinical relevance, pathophysiological determinants, and therapeutic approaches FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 2016
Progressive language impairment in an English-Italian bilingual woman with Alzheimer's disease: an eighteen-month follow-up ALZHEIMER DISEASE & ASSOCIATED DISORDERS 2016
Musical cognition in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD): evidences from the application of the Montreal Battery of Evaluation of Amusia (MBEA)”. 2015
Pain-related cortex function in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Preliminary results 2015

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma