Filippo Berto


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
3D printed microneedles for transdermal drug delivery: A brief review of two decades INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS 2021
A comprehensive review on surface modifications of biodegradable magnesium-based implant alloy: Polymer coatings opportunities and challenges COATINGS 2021
Comparison of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches in multiaxial fatigue life assessment of notched components INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 2021
Recent Advances on Bioprinted Gelatin Methacrylate-Based Hydrogels for Tissue Repair TISSUE ENGINEERING, PART A 2021
Compression-induced crack initiation and growth in flawed rocks: A review FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 2021
Fatigue reliability assessment of a pearlitic Grade 900A rail steel subjected to multiple cracks ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 2021
Very-high-cycle fatigue behavior of AlSi10Mg manufactured by selected laser melting: Crystal plasticity modeling INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 2021
Overview of magnesium-ceramic composites: mechanical, corrosion and biological properties JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 2021
Mechanical properties of the most common european woods: A literature review FRATTURA E INTEGRITÀ STRUTTURALE 2020
The effects of microporosity in struts of gyroid lattice structures produced by laser powder bed fusion MATERIALS & DESIGN 2020
Effect of build thickness and geometry on quasi-static and fatigue behavior of Ti-6Al-4V produced by Electron Beam Melting ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 2020
The effect of defects and notches in quasi-static and fatigue loading of Inconel 718 specimens produced by selective laser melting INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 2020
Fatigue assessment of as-built and heat-treated Inconel 718 specimens produced by additive manufacturing including notch effects FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 2020
A review of additive manufacturing of cermets ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 2020
In-situ investigation on fatigue behaviors of Ti-6Al-4V manufactured by selective laser melting INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 2020
Loss of integrity of hydrogen technologies: A critical review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 2020
Defects as a root cause of fatigue weakening of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg components THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS 2020
A novel Strain-Energy-Density based fatigue criterion accounting for mean stress and plasticity effects on the medium-to-high-cycle uniaxial fatigue strength of plain and notched components INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE 2020
Recent advances on notch effects in metal fatigue: A review FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 2020
Fatigue assessment of high strength welded joints through the strain energy density method FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES 2020

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma