Marco Di Muzio


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Farmaci LASA: strategie per la prevenzione dell’errore di terapia [Look-alike, sound-alike drugs. Strategies for preventing medication errors] GIORNALE ITALIANO DI FARMACIA CLINICA 2019
Quality of life for patients with incurable stage IV colorectal cancer. Randomized controlled trial comparing resection versus endoscopic stenting IN VIVO 2019
Valutazione dell’impatto della presenza degli studenti infermieri sulla qualità assistenziale percepita dai pazienti in tre reparti per acuti dell’area medica del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma HEALTH PROFESSIONALS MAGAZINE 2019
L’infermiere in chirurgia robotica. uno studio fenomenologico HEALTH PROFESSIONALS MAGAZINE 2019
Accesso intraosseo in emergenza una tecnica salvavita poco usata TECNICA OSPEDALIERA 2019
Impact of the sign language for pediatric patients with a tracheostomy PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE 2019
Perioperative nutritional support or perioperative fasting? A narrative review IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2019
The impact of vaginal and endometrial microbiota in women's fertility: a review of literature GIORNALE ITALIANO DI OSTETRICIA E GINECOLOGIA 2019
Pain management in eras® approach for abdominal surgery: a narrative review BOLLETTINO DI PSICOLOGIA APPLICATA 2019
Nutrition in dementia. a challenge for nurses PROGRESS IN NUTRITION 2018
Prevention of medication errors during intravenous drug administration in intensive care units. a literature review RECENTI PROGRESSI IN MEDICINA 2018
Medication errors in the emergency department. knowledge, attitude, behavior, and training needs of nurses INDIAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 2018
Manuale di procedure infermieristiche basate sulle evidenze. Guida Essenziale 2018
Management del dolore post-operatorio. competenze infermieristiche TECNICA OSPEDALIERA 2018
Reliability and use of Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in italian sample of university professors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2018
Quality and relevance of master degree education for the professional development of nurses and midwives NURSE EDUCATION TODAY 2017
Knowledge, behaviours, training and attitudes of nurses during preparation and administration of intravenous medications in intensive care units (ICU). A multicenter Italian study APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH 2017
A comparative study of data collection methods in the process of nursing: detection of chemotherapy side effects using a self-reporting questionnaire ACTA CLINICA CROATICA 2017
BRASS score and complex discharge. a pilot study ACTA BIOMEDICA 2017
Health self-perception in patient with Crohn’s disease. a web survey LA CLINICA TERAPEUTICA 2017

Interessi di ricerca

Il Dr. Marco Di Muzio (PhD, MED/45) svolge attività di Ricerca nell'ambito delle Scienze Infermieristiche ed in particolare l'attività di Ricerca è finalizzata alla gestione del rischio clinico in ambito farmacologico, sull'Healthcare education e sulla cronobiologia del sonno nel personale infermieristico.


nursing education
nursing information system
drug error
medical errors
Medication errors

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma