Marina Brogi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Banking after Covid-19 The Italian Economy after Covid-19 – Short-term Costs and Long-term Adjustements 2020
Equity markets European Capital Markets Union 2019
Lights on the shadows: exploring the need for regulation in shadow banking INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED DECISION SCIENCES 2019
Do bank boards matter? A literature review on the characteristics of banks' Board of Directors INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS 2019
Governo societario e risk management, le nuove sfide BANCARIA 2019
The courage to choose! Primogeniture and leadership succession in family firms STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 2018
Is the market swayed by press releases on corporate governance? Event study on the Eurostoxx banks CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL 2018
The effect of cyber-attacks on stock returns CORPORATE OWNERSHIP & CONTROL 2018
Crisi bancarie e governance La gestione delle crisi bancarie. Strumenti, processi, implicazioni nei rapporti con la clientela 2018
La regolamentazione della corporate governance bancaria. Aspetti evolutivi e nuove sfide La banca nel nuovo ordinamento europeo. Luci e ombre 2018
Environmental, social, and governance and company profitability: Are financial intermediaries different? CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2018
Rischio cibernetico e sicurezza nazionale nel sistema finanziario GNOSIS 2017
Cyber risk: A big challenge in developed and emerging markets Identity Theft: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice 2017
What does really matter in the internationalization of small and medium-sized family businesses? JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2016
Corporate governance Corporate Governance 2016
Weathering the storm: family ownership, governance, and performance through the financial and economic crisis CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 2016
SME sources of funding: more capital or more debt to sustain growth? An empirical analysis Access to bank credit and SME financing 2016
Sliced and diced: European banks’ business models and profitability Industrial, Institutional and Behavioural Economics, 2016 Report on the Italian Financial System 2016
Bank profitability and capital adequacy in the post-crisis context Financial crisis, changing patterns in banks behaviour and credit crunch 2015
Economia d'azienda e sistema finanziario Economia aziendale Com'era e com'è 2015

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