Sergio Simonella


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
One-sided convergence in the Boltzmann-Grad limit ANNALES DE LA FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES DE TOULOUSE. 2018
The Boltzmann–Grad limit of a hard sphere system: analysis of the correlation error INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE 2017
A kinetic equation for the distribution of interaction clusters in rarefied gases JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS 2017
Propagation of chaos and effective equations in Kinetic theory: A brief survey MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS 2016
Kinetic Theory of Cluster Dynamics. PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA 2016
On the Evolution of the Empirical Measure for the Hard-Sphere Dynamics BULLETIN OF INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS, ACADEMIA SINICA. NEW SERIES 2015
Backward clusters, hierarchy and wild sums for a hard sphere system in a low-density regime MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES 2015
Review: ``From Newton to Boltzmann: Hard Spheres and Short-range Potentials'' BULLETIN (NEW SERIES) OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 2015

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