Marika Griffo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Modelli su carta. L’eredità di Bramante Roma-Milano Architettura e città tra il XVI e XVII secolo 2019
Integrative IRT for documentation and interpretation of archaeological structures THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019
Rappresentare il visibile e conoscere il non visibile: studi sulla Basilica Iulia al Foro Romano Riflessioni. L'arte del disegno/Il disegno dell'arte. Reflections. The art of drawing/The Drawing of art 2019
The double-chaired voussoir barrel vault on the Gymnasium Calidarium, Salamis Cyprus Reuso Matera. Patrimonio in divenire, conoscere, valorizzare, abitare 2019
Vecchi scavi e nuove tecnologie. Primi risultati del Progetto Basilica Iulia ARCHEOLOGIA E CALCOLATORI 2019
A workflow for fast 3D documentation. An experience on medieval architectural fragments Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies 2018 2019
Modi e modelli per la rappresentazione. Il Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio Representation methods and models. The Tempietto in the church of San Pietro in Montorio DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI 2019
Geophysical investigations for the knowledge of the buried structures in the Basilica Julia at the Roman Forum 2019
From worksite tracing drawings to integrated digital models for reconstructing and preserving cultural heritage Graphic Imprint. On the influence of the representation and ideation tools in architecture 2018
La Divina Sapienza e la geometria svelata /Divina Sapienza and the Geometry Unveiled Rappresentazione/Materiale/Immateriale. Drawing as (In) Tangible Representation 2018
The rectangular tower with machicolations of Kyrenia city walls (1191-1228), Cyprus PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference on Modern Age Fortifications of the Mediterranean Coast, FORTMED 2018, DEFENSIVE ARCHITECTURE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN 2018
Rome under Rome. Survey and analysis of the east excavation area beneath the Basilica Iulia Proceedings of the 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHERITAGE) held jointly with 2018 24th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM 2018) 2018
(Di) Segni di pietra sul duomo di Terni. Dai tracciati di cantiere ai modelli digitali Territori e frontiere della rappresentazione / Territories and Frontiers of Representation 2017
Anagrapheus. La costruzione di modelli digitali per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale. ReUSO. Granada 2017. Sobre una arquitectura hecha de tiempo. Volumen 1. Metodologia, tecnica y conservation. 2017
The round corner tower of Kyrenia's city walls (1211-1232) Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII Centuries 2017
Worksite tracing in Archaeological Architecture. A reconstruction workflow / Lo studio delle incisioni per l’Architettura Archeologica. Un workflow per la ricostruzione DISEGNARE CON... 2017
The Acheiropoietos monastery: survey and restoration in Cyprus Reconsidering archeology and architecture. Book of Abstracts 2016


  • SH5_4
  • SH5_6
  • SH5_7
  • SH5_8


  • Rapid Prototyping e Additive Manufacturing

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma