Sergio Barile


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
The emergence of new market spaces: Brokerage and firm cognitive endowment JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 2021
The city role in the sharing economy: toward an integrated framework of practices and governance models. CITIES 2021
Decision trees to identify companies’ distress: the ai at work SINERGIE 2021
Il contributo delle metodologie sistemico-vitali all’analisi degli aspetti socio-tecnici della simbiosi industriale Leveraging intersections in management theory and practice 2021
Dal management essenziale al management assenziale RIVISTA DI STUDI MANAGERIALI 2021
Insights of Digital Transformation Processes in Industrial Symbiosis from the Viable Systems Approach (vSa) SUSTAINABILITY 2021
Industrial Symbiosis: Business Models Compared Proceedings IFKAD 2021: Managing Knowledge in Uncertain Times 2021
Funzione e ruolo delle organizzazioni imprenditoriali: il contributo dell’approccio sistemico vitale. Contributi in onore di Gaetano Maria Golinelli, Sezione 5 (Approccio Sistemico Vitale) 2020
L’Intelligenza Potenziata (IPt) nei processi decisionali complessi: verso una nuova interpretazione del concetto di rilevanza nella prospettiva dell’Approccio Sistemico Vitale (ASV) Rivista di Studi Manageriali (RiSMa) 2020
Intelligence Augmentation (IA) in Complex Decision Making: A New View of the vSa Concept of Relevance Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2020
AI Technologies & Value Co-Creation in Luxury Context Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2020
Technology, value co-creation and innovation in service ecosystems: Toward sustainable co-innovation SUSTAINABILITY 2020
Group dynamics and systems thinking: interdisciplinary roots, metaphors, and applications 2019
In search of a possible evolutionary principle of management theory and practice Cybernetics and systems. Social and business decisions 2019
The demolition of service scientists’ cultural-boundaries Handbook of Service Science, Volume II 2019
From rare to neglected diseases: A sustainable and inclusive healthcare perspective for reframing the orphan drugs issue SUSTAINABILITY 2019
Storytelling about places. Tourism marketing in the digital age CITIES 2019
Industria 4.0. Tra suggestioni emergenti e soluzioni effettive 2019
Industria 4.0 e capacità T-shaped: tra labirinti rizomatici, ambidestrismo e suggestione frattale Industria 4.0 Tra suggestioni emergenti e soluzioni effettive 2019
Prefazione Industria 4.0 Tra suggestioni emergenti e soluzioni effettive 2019

Progetti di Ricerca

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