Maria De Marsico


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - 9th International Conference, ICPRAM 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 22–24, 2020, Revised Selected Papers 2021
Biometric Recognition Errors. Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy. 2021
Biometric Spoofing and Its Evaluation Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy. 2021
Biometric Systems Evaluation Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy. 2021
Visual question answering: Which investigated applications? PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS 2021
VoiceWriting: A completely speech-based text editor ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2021
Editorial: Sustainable, empowering and emotional interactive multimedia MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 2021
Editorial to special issue on novel insights on ocular biometrics IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING 2021
Joint workshop on Games-Human Interaction (GHItaly21) and multi-party interaction in eXtended reality (MIXR) ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2021
SMACC: a System for Microplastics Automatic Counting and Classification IEEE ACCESS 2020
An Environment to Model Massive Open Online Course Dynamics Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. IC3K 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1222 2020
Web-Shaped Model for Head Pose Estimation: An Approach for Best Exemplar Selection IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING 2020
LieToMe: Preliminary study on hand gestures for deception detection via Fisher-LSTM PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS 2020
Plastic surgery: An obstacle for deep face recognition? IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops 2020
Virtual bowling: Launch as you all were there! ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2020
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods 2020 2020
Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - 8th International Conference, ICPRAM 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, February 19-21, 2019, Revised Selected Papers 2020
A hand-based biometric system in visible light for mobile environments INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019
Biopen–Fusing password choice and biometric interaction at presentation level PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS 2019
Educational Data Mining for Peer Assessment in Communities of Learners The Future of Innovation and Technology in Education: Policies and Practices for Teaching and Learning Excellence 2019


  • PE6_7
  • PE6_8
  • PE6_9
  • PE6_11


  • Big data & computing

Interessi di ricerca

The main scientific interests focus on biometric systems (especially face recognition, iris recognition, and gait recognition via wearable sensors) and on the design of multimodal systems for natural human-computer interaction. The advanced applications in the context of smart ambient represent a possible cross between the two areas.


I principali interessi di ricerca sono focalizzati sui sistemi biometrici (specialmente riconoscimento del volto, riconoscimento dell'iride e riconoscimento della camminata attraverso sensori indossabili) e sulla progettazione di sistemi multimodali per l'interazione naturale tra uomo e computer. Le applicazioni avanzate nel contesto dello smart ambient rappresentano il punto di incontro tra le due aree.


Biometric systems
Multimodal interaction

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma