Maurizio Barbieri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Effects of climate change on vegetation in the province of Macerata (Central Italy) Advanced studies in efficient environmental design and city planning. 2021
Natural Hazards Coming from Trace Elements Natural Enrichment. The Bevera Valley Basin (Northern Italy) Case History Advances in Natural Hazards and Hydrological Risks: Meeting the Challenge, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Hazards (NATHAZ’19), Pico Island Azores 2019 2020
Tracing deep fluid source contribution to groundwater in an active seismic area (central Italy). A combined geothermometric and isotopic (δ13C) perspective JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 2020
The relationship between the concentration of rare earth elements in landfill soil and their distribution in the parent material:.A case study from Cerreto, Roccasecca, Central Italy JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 2020
Groundwater monitoring in regional discharge areas selected as “hydrosensitive” to seismic activity in Central Italy Advances in natural hazards and hydrological risks. Meeting the challenge. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Hazards (NATHAZ’19), Pico Island—Azores 2019 2020
Assessment of trace elements natural enrichment in topsoil by some Italian case studies SN APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Redox Dependent Arsenic Occurrence and Partitioning in an Industrial Coastal Aquifer: Evidence from High Spatial Resolution Characterization of Groundwater and Sediments WATER 2020
Coastal morphodynamics and environmental assessment of the Special Protection Site of Palude di Torre Flavia (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2020
Potential toxic elements in groundwater and their health risk assessment in drinking water of Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH 2020
Model-based interpretation of hydrogeochemistry and arsenic mobility in a low-enthalpy hydrothermal system JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 2020
Mineralogical and chemical investigations of the amguid crater (Algeria): Is there evidence on an impact origin? GEOSCIENCES 2020
Analysis of extreme precipitation indices in the Marche region (central Italy), combined with the assessment of energy implications and hydrogeological risk ENERGY REPORTS 2020
New observations in Central Italy of groundwater responses to the worldwide seismicity SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Optimization of dissolved Radon monitoring in groundwater to contribute to the evaluation of the seismic activity: an experience in central-southern Italy SN APPLIED SCIENCES 2020
Salivary levels of titanium, nickel, vanadium, and arsenic in patients treated with dental implants: a case-control study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2020
Assessment of groundwater quality in the buffer zone of Limpopo National Park, Gaza Province, Southern Mozambique ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2019
Isotopes in hydrology and hydrogeology WATER 2019
Assessment of arsenic mobility in a shallow aquifer from Bevera Valley Basin (Northern Italy) ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2019
Analysis of rainfall trends and extreme precipitation in the middle adriatic side, Marche Region (Central Italy) WATER 2019
CO2 inflow and elements desorption prior to a seismic sequence, Amatrice-Norcia 2016, Italy GEOCHEMISTRY, GEOPHYSICS, GEOSYSTEMS 2019

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