Maria Vittoria Fontana


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Acknowledgments 2018
47. Glass dish West and East. Archaeological Objects Along the Silk Roads 2018
A 17th-century Circassian Village in the Shape of al-Mansur’s Bagdad ANNALI. ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO ORIENTALE NAPOLI 2017
Qal'a-Istakhr and the Si Gunbadan VICINO ORIENTE 2017
Estakhr Project - 2015 Preliminary report of the joint mission of the Iranian center for archaeological research, the Parsa-Pasargadae research foundation and the Sapienza University of Rome Proceedings of the 15th Annual symposium on the Iranian archaeology 2017
46. Glass bottle West and East. Archaeological Objects Along the Silk Roads 2017
48. Glass dish West and East. Archaeological Objects Along the Silk Roads 2017
49. Glass cup West and East: Archaeological Objects along the Silk Roads 2017
A medieval iconographical topic in the Jazira and in southern Italy IOSR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 2016
Kufic ornamental motifs in the wall paintings of six churches in Southern Italy IOSR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE 2016
A brief note on the Yemenite chahar taq mausoleums. The case of Baraqish VICINO ORIENTE 2016
Estakhr Project - Third preliminary report of the joint Mission of the Iranian center for archaeological research, the Parsa-Pasargadae research foundation and the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy VICINO ORIENTE 2016
Michael Jung. The Wall Paintings of the Great Mosque of Isfahan, with contributions by Antonella Altieri, Paolo Cornale, Fabio Frezzato and Claudio Seccaroni (Arte e Restauro / Casi studio). Nardini Editore, Firenze 2016, 132 pp., 138 figs. ISBN 9788840404349 ANNALI. ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO ORIENTALE NAPOLI 2016
The Umayyad ‘cruciform’ domed halls at Kufa and ‘Amman compared with the plans of the Sasanian fire temples (čahar taqs) ANNALI. ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO ORIENTALE NAPOLI 2015
Al-munamnamat al-islamiyya (La miniatura islamica) 2015

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