Nicola Maffulli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Defensive antibacterial coating (Dac®) for prevention of infection in acl reconstruction: A feasibility study M.L.T.J. MUSCLES, LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS JOURNAL 2020
Iliotibial band syndrome rehabilitation in female runners: A pilot randomized study JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH 2020
Insertional Calcific Tendinopathy of the Achilles Tendon and Dysmetabolic Diseases: An Epidemiological Survey CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE 2020
Combined medial patellofemoral and medial patellotibial reconstruction for patellar instability: a PRISMA systematic review JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH 2020
In Vitro Innovation of Tendon Tissue Engineering Strategies INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 2020
Achilles Tendon Reconstruction with Semitendinous Tendon Grafts Is Associated with a High Complication Rate JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PODIATRIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 2020
Endoscopic debridement for non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy with and without platelet-rich plasma JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE 2020
Combined medial patellofemoral and patellotibial reconstruction with soft tissue fixation in recurrent patellar dislocation INJURY 2020
SLAP Lesion and Injury of the Proximal Portion of Long Head of Biceps Tendon in Elite Amateur Wrestlers INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS 2020
Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair with and without subacromial decompression is safe and effective: a clinical study BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS 2020
Home-based motor imagery intervention improves functional performance following total knee arthroplasty in the short term: A randomized controlled trial JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH 2020
Saving resources in accident emergency: A simple device for injuries to the extensor tendons of the hand M.L.T.J. MUSCLES, LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS JOURNAL 2020
BM-MSCs differentiated to chondrocytes for treatment of full-thickness cartilage defect of the knee JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH 2020
An evidence based narrative review on treatment of diabetic foot osteomyelitis SURGEON 2020
EFAS Score – validation of Finnish and Turkish versions by the Score Committee of the European Foot and Ankle Society (EFAS) FOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY 2020
Anatomy and biomechanics of the medial patellotibial ligament: A systematic review SURGEON 2020
NSAIDs for Prophylaxis for Heterotopic Ossification After Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Bayesian Network Meta-analysis CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL 2020
Tendon and Cytokine Marker Expression by Human Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Hyaluronate/Poly-Lactic-Co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA)/Fibrin Three-Dimensional (3D) Scaffold CELLS 2020
Corrigendum to: Biomechanical issues of tissue-engineered constructs for articular cartilage regeneration: in vitro and in vivo approaches BRITISH MEDICAL BULLETIN 2020
Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment for Gluteal Tendinopathy questionnaire in Italian and investigation of the association between tendinopathy-related disability and pain EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE 2020

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