Giorgia Ponsi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Guilt and reward shape the neural correlates of spontaneous deception Neuropsychological Trends, 20/2016, 39-40 - Abstracts del XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia “Brains in Action: dalle Neuroscienze di Base ai Sistemi Sociali Complessi" 2016
Personal and social rewards differently shape the neural correlates of deceptive decision making 2016 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference Proceedings, ISSN 1861-8243 2016
To trust or not to trust: a thermal imaging study on the effects of social exclusion Neuropsychological Trends, 20/2016, 152-153 - Abstracts del XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia “Brains in Action: dalle Neuroscienze di Base ai Sistemi Sociali Complessi" 2016
Do tufted capuchin monkeys play the odds? Flexible risk preferences in Sapajus spp ANIMAL COGNITION 2015
When is it worth waiting for? Food quantity, but not food quality, affects delay tolerance in tufted capuchin monkeys ANIMAL COGNITION 2015
The role of affective awareness in a social categorization task: behavioural and autonomic data Neuropsychological Trends, 18/2015, 139-140. - Abstracts del XXIII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia 2015

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