Gianluca Di Flumeri


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Taste responses to chocolate pudding with different sucrose concentrations through physiological and explicit self-reported measures FOODS 2021
Label-Based Alignment Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Cross-Subject EEG Fatigue Mental State Evaluation FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE 2021
A multimodal and signals fusion approach for assessing the impact of stressful events on Air Traffic Controllers SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Monitoring performance of professional and occupational operators Handbook of Clinical Neurology 2020
Neurophysiological vigilance characterisation and assessment: Laboratory and realistic validations involving professional air traffic controllers BRAIN SCIENCES 2020
Double-step machine learning based procedure for HFOs detection and classification BRAIN SCIENCES 2020
Involving Hearing, Haptics and Kinesthetics into Non-visual Interaction Concepts for an Augmented Remote Tower Environment Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications 2020
Multivariate model for cooperation: bridging Social Physiological Compliance and Hyperscanning SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE 2020
Contactless Physiological Assessment of Mental Workload During Teleworking-like Task Communications in Computer and Information Science 2020
Stress assessment by combining neurophysiological signals and radio communications of air traffic controllers 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) 2020
Assessment of Athletes' Attitude: Physiological Evaluation via Wearable Sensors during Grappling Competitions Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2020
Wearable devices for neurophysiological evaluation during real working-like tasks: a reliability study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOELECTROMAGNETISM 2020
A Novel Mutual Information Based Feature Set for Drivers’ Mental Workload Evaluation Using Machine Learning BRAIN SCIENCES 2020
The evolution of passive brain-computer interfaces: Enhancing the human-machine interaction Neurotechnology 2020
Monitoring performance of professional and occupational operators Handbook of Clinical Neurology 2020
EEG rhythms lateralization patterns in children with unilateral hearing loss are different from the patterns of normal hearing controls during speech-in-noise listening HEARING RESEARCH 2019
The dry revolution: Evaluation of three different eeg dry electrode types in terms of signal spectral features, mental states classification and usability SENSORS 2019
Correlation and similarity between cerebral and non-cerebral electrical activity for user’s states assessment SENSORS 2019
Monitoring Pilot's Cognitive Fatigue with Engagement Features in Simulated and Actual Flight Conditions Using an Hybrid fNIRS-EEG Passive BCI Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2018 2019
Toward a cooperation index based on EEG-workload causality: preliminary findings on aerospace-like tasks 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2019


  • LS5_17
  • LS5_18
  • PE6_11
  • PE7_7
  • PE7_9
  • PE7_11
  • SH4_5


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Acquisition and analysis of human biosignals (EEG, ECG, EOG, Skin Conductance, Eye-Tracking), with the aim of investigating neurophysiological correlations with human cognitive phenomena. The outcome is the development of synthetic neurometrics of specific and relevant mental states, such as mental workload, vigilance, stress, and so on. In particular, the research is aimed to relevant applications of these neurometrics, such as the Human Factor evaluation in operational environments (aviation, automotive, robot-assisted surgery), and the development of advanced Human-Machine Interfaces. The final goal is to achieve new frontiers of augmented and collaborative Human-Machine Interaction in user-centred operational environments, in order to guarantee user's wellbeing as well as higher efficiency and safety standards.


cognitive neuroscience
Biomedical Engineering
Human factors
Mental states assessment
biometric signal processing
behavioral neurophysiology
Brain computer interface
machine learning
Physiological systems modeling - Multivariate signal processing

Gruppi di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma