Titolo | Pubblicato in | Anno |
Integration of FDM surface quality modeling with process design | ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING | 2016 |
External force-assisted LaserOrigami (LO) bending: Shaping of 3D cubes and edge design of stainless steel chairs | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES | 2015 |
Laser assisted bending of sharp angles with small fillet radius on stainless steel sheets: analysis of experimental set-up and processing parameters | LASERS IN MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING | 2015 |
Progress in tridimensional (3d) laser forming of stainless steel sheets | LASERS IN MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS PROCESSING | 2015 |
Improvement of thermally sprayed WC-Co/NiCr coatings by surface laser processing | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS AND HARD MATERIALS | 2015 |
Finishing of fused deposition modeling parts by CNC machining | XII convegno AITEM – Atti del convegno | 2015 |
Experimental study of fused deposition modeling parts interference fit | XII convegno AITEM – Atti del convegno | 2015 |
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