Francesco Romeo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Multistable cantilever shells. Analytical prediction, numerical simulation and experimental validation COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2018
Il comfort nelle passerelle pedonali. Parte 2: un caso studio COSTRUZIONI METALLICHE 2017
Vibration energy harvesting from impulsive excitations via a bistable nonlinear attachment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS 2017
The tuned bistable nonlinear energy sink NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 2017
Origami textures for adaptive plate and shell structures Kine[SiS]tem From Nature to Architectural Matter International Conference Proceedings 2017
Experimental validation of a novel pseudo-modal approach for damage detection Procedia EngineeringPROCEDIA ENGINEERING 2017
Preface Procedia Engineering 2017
Discrete breathers in forced chains of oscillators with cubic nonlinearities Procedia IUTAM - IUTAM Symposium Analytical Methods in Nonlinear Dynamics 2016
Il comfort nelle passerelle pedonali. Parte 1: analisi comparativa dei criteri normativi COSTRUZIONI METALLICHE 2016
Vibration Energy Harvesting From Impulsive Excitations Via Bistable Nonlinear Attachment 2016
Non-stationary resonance dynamics of the harmonically forced pendulum CYBERNETICS AND PHYSICS 2016
Stationary and non-stationary resonance dynamics of the finite chain of weakly coupled pendula CYBERNETICS AND PHYSICS 2016
Dynamics of a linear oscillator coupled to a bistable light attachment: numerical study JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 2015
On the nonlinear multi-physics dynamics of a mechanical oscillator coupled to an electro-magnetic circuit INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS 2015
Transient and chaotic low-energy transfers in a system with bistable nonlinearity CHAOS 2015
Sensitivity analysis and improvement of a pseudo-modal approach for damage localization Proc. ASME. 57181; Volume 8: 27th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, V008T13A097.August 02, 2015 DETC2015-46715 2015
Non-stationary resonance dynamics of weakly coupled pendula EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 2015
Damage identification via orthogonal empirical mode decomposition of curvature mode shapes Proceeding oh 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure 2015

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