Francesco Pisani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Rett syndrome spectrum in monogenic developmentalepileptic encephalopathies and epilepsies: A review GENES 2021
Early-onset Dopamine Transporter Deficiency Syndrome: Long-term Follow-up CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2021
Unilateral Facial Palsy in an Adolescent with Guillain-Barré Syndrome JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY 2021
Further delineation of PIGB-related early infantile epileptic encephalopathy EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS 2021
Ocular Motor Paroxysmal Events in Neonates and Infants: A Review of the Literature PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY 2021
Beneficial effects of the ketogenic diet on drug-resistant epileptic encephalopathy associated with a de novo NBEA pathogenic variant EPILEPTIC DISORDERS 2021
Acute symptomatic neonatal seizures, brain injury, and long-term outcome: The role of neuroprotective strategies EXPERT REVIEW OF NEUROTHERAPEUTICS 2021
Consensus protocol for EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG assessment and monitoring in neonates CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY 2021
Seizures in the neonate: A review of etiologies and outcomes SEIZURE 2021
Deep learning for EEG seizure detection in preterm infants INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS 2021
Respiration Monitoring by Video Signal Processing ICT for Health: Sensing, Data Analysis, Applications 2021
Adjunctive Brivaracetam in Focal Epilepsy: Real-World Evidence from the BRIVAracetam add-on First Italian netwoRk STudy (BRIVAFIRST) CNS DRUGS 2021
Antidepressant effect of vagal nerve stimulation in epilepsy patients: a systematic review NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2020
Targeted re-sequencing in malformations of cortical development: genotype-phenotype correlations SEIZURE 2020
Risk factors for neonatal seizures: A case–control study in the province of Parma, Italy EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 2020
The protein interaction network of the inherited central nervous system diseases reveals new gene candidates for molecularly unclassified myelin disorders JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS 2020
Long-term follow-up in infantile-onset SCAR18: A case report JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 2020
Linking acute symptomatic neonatal seizures, brain injury and outcome in preterm infants EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 2020
Psychological and psychiatric impact of COVID-19 pandemic among children and adolescents ACTA BIOMEDICA 2020

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