Marco Romano


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Volumetric Body Mass Estimate and in vivo Reconstruction of the Russian Pareiasaur Scutosaurus karpinskii FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2021
Drone testing for 3D reconstruction of massive mounted skeletons in museums: the case of Mammuthus meridionalis (Nesti 1825) from Madonna della Strada (Scoppito, L’Aquila, Italy) HISTORICAL BIOLOGY 2021
Guest editorial. Special section. PCP-basin settings in the fossil record. State of the art ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2020
Tetrapod tracks from the Middle Triassic of NW Sardinia (Nurra region, Italy) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 2020
Upper Jurassic caryophyllids from condensed pelagic deposits of the Umbria-Marche Apennine (Central Italy). 2nd Palaeontological Virtual Congress, Abstracts 2020
Alessandro Portis e l'elefante di Riofreddo (RM) MEMORIE DESCRITTIVE DELLA CARTA GEOLOGICA D'ITALIA 2020
Cretaceous tetrapod tracks from Italy: A treasure trove of exceptional biodiversity JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN EARTH SCIENCES 2020
Human footprints from italy: The state of the art JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN EARTH SCIENCES 2020
Tetrapod ichnology in Italy: The state of the art Guest editorial JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN EARTH SCIENCES 2020
Archosauriform footprints in the Lower Triassic of Western Alps and their role in understanding the effects of the Permian-Triassic hyperthermal PEERJ 2020
Early Triassic terrestrial tetrapod fauna: a review EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 2020
Landmark 100 Years of climate modelling NATURE 2020
Celebrating Marie Tharp SCIENCE 2020
Tyrannosaurus rex it is not a prehistoric animal. Roaring in a semantic prehistoric jungle BIOSIS 2020
First occurrence of a Tylosaurinae mosasaur from the Turonian of the Central Apennines, Italy CRETACEOUS RESEARCH 2019
The Jurassic Gorgo a Cerbara palaeoescarpment (Monte Nerone, Umbria-Marche Apennine). Modelling three-dimensional sedimentary geometries JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN EARTH SCIENCES 2019
First report of Sclerobiont Bryozoans in the Maiolica Fm. of the Umbria-Marche Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy) RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 2019
First tetrapod footprints from the Permian of Sardinia and their palaeontological and stratigraphical significance GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 2019
New basal synapsid discovery at the Permian outcrop of Torre del Porticciolo (Alghero, Italy) GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL 2019

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