Mauro Migliorati


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Single Bunch Instabilities in FCC-ee Proceedings of IPAC2018 2018
Design of the Target Dump Injection Segmented (TDIS) in the framework of the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project Proceedings of HB2018 2018
High intensity effects of fixed target beams in the CERN injector complex Proceedings of HB2018 2018
Design of the new proton synchrotron booster absorber scraper (PSBAS) in the framework of the large hadron collider injection upgrade (LIU) project Proceedings of IPAC18 2018
A multi-physics approach to simulate the RF heating 3D power map induced by the proton beam in a beam intercepting device Proceedings of IPAC18 2018
Impedance and Instability Studies in LEIR with Xenon Proceedings of IPAC18 2018
A TM01 mode launcher with quadrupole field components cancellation for high brightness applications Proceedings of IPAC18 2018
Longitudinal and Quadrupolar Coupling Impedance of an Elliptical Vacuum Chamber With Finite Conductivity in Terms of Mathieu Functions Proceedings of IPAC18 2018
Longitudinal and Transverse Wakefields Simulations and Studies in Dielectric-Coated Circular Waveguides Proceedings of IPAC18 2018
Analysis on the mechanical effects induced by beam impedance heating on the HL-LHC target dump injection segmented (TDIS) absorber Proceedings of IPAC18 2018
Design of low-impact impedances devices: the new proton synchrotron booster absorber scraper (PSBAS) Proceedings of ICFA Mini-Workshop on impedances and beam instabilities in particle accelerators 2018
Electron cloud buildup and impedance effects on beam dynamics in the future circular e+e− collider and experimental characterization of thin TiZrV vacuum chamber coatings PHYSICAL REVIEW. ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 2018
Space charge impedance and electromagnetic fields in elliptical vacuum chambers PHYSICAL REVIEW. ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 2018
Instability studies at the CERN proton synchrotron during transition crossing PHYSICAL REVIEW. ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 2018
A TM01 mode launcher with quadrupole field components cancellation for high brightness applications Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2018
Longitudinal and Transverse Wakefields Simulations and Studies in Dielectric-Coated Circular Waveguides JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2018
Design of high gradient, high repetition rate damped C-band rf structures PHYSICAL REVIEW. ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 2017
Coupling impedances and collective effects for FCC-ee Proceedings of IPAC2017 2017
Electromagnetic fields and green's functions in elliptical vacuum chambers PHYSICAL REVIEW. ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS 2017
Some Critical Collective Effects for the FCC-ee Collider ICFA Beam Dynamics Newsletter 2017


  • PE2_3


  • Sustainable technologies & development

Interessi di ricerca

Particle accelerators, laser-plasma acceleration, application of particle accelerators


Charged particles
charged particles therapy
Accelerator applications

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma