Enza Elena Spinapolice


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Lithics of the North African middle stone age. Assumptions, evidence and future directions JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2019
Bone tools, ornaments and other unusual objects during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Italy QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2019
Macromammal and bird assemblages across the late Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in Italy. An extended zooarchaeological review QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2019
Lithic techno-complexes in Italy from 50 to 39 thousand years BP. An overview of lithic technological changes across the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic boundary QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2019
An overview of Alpine and Mediterranean palaeogeography, terrestrial ecosystems and climate history during MIS 3 with focus on the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 2019
Grotta di Uluzzo C (Nardò-Lecce). Risultati preliminari, strumenti e metodi dell’indagine archeologica FOLD&R. 2019
Les Néandertaliens du talon. Technologie lithique et mobilité au Paléolithique moyen dans le Salento (Pouilles, Italie méridionale) Les Néandertaliens du talon. Technologie lithique et mobilité au Paléolithique moyen dans le Salento (Pouilles, Italie méridionale) 2018
Rock art between preservation, research and sustainable development. A perspective from southern Ethiopia AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW 2018
E. E Spinapolice, 2018 « Neanderthal mobility pattern and technological organization in the Salento (Apulia, Italy), in “Palaeolithic Italy. Advanced studies on early human adaptation in the Apennine peninsula” eds Borgia V., Cristiani E., Sidestone Press, Leiden, pp. 93-122. Palaeolithic Italy. Advanced studies on early human adaptation in the Apennine peninsula 2018
Visuospatial integration. Paleoanthropological and archaeological perspectives Evolution of primate social cognition 2018
Early human occupation at al-Jamrab (White Nile Region, Central Sudan). A contribution to the understanding of the MSA of Eastern Africa JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY 2018
Raw material exploitation and lithic variability at the MSA site of Gotera, southern Ethiopia: technological and quantitative approaches combined Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 2018
Neanderthal mobility pattern and technological organization in the Salento (Apulia, Italy) Palaeolithic Italy. Advanced studies on early human adaptations in the Apennine peninsula 2018
New investigations in Southern Ethiopia (Yabelo And Gotera). Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological evidence SCIENZE DELL'ANTICHITÀ 2017
Fiorini, A., Curci, A., Benazzi, S., & Spinapolice, E. E. (2018). Il sistema di documentazione digitale dello scavo archeologico nel sito di Uluzzo C (Nardò, LE). Sezione di Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica, 13, 68-70. ANNALI DELL'UNIVERSITÀ DI FERRARA. SEZIONE: MUSEOLOGIA SCIENTIFICA E NATURALISTICA 2017
From primitivism to a contemporary view of pre-history. A new tale QUADERNI STORICI 2016
Digito ergo sum. Cervello, corpo, ambiente MICROMEGA 2016
Neanderthal mobility pattern and technological organization in the Salento Mousterian Il Paleolitico e il Mesolitico in Italia. Nuove ricerche e prospettive di studio 2016
Third hand: A testable hypothesis JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2015

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