Marcella Corsi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
“La destra populista in Europa: una prospettiva economica” MONETA E CREDITO 2019
Non esiste un farmaco per la povertà INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2019
Il pilastro sociale vuole la parità INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2019
Che genere di laurea INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2019
Fermiamo la retorica 'nazional-femminista' INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2019
How to reduce the androcentric bias in economics INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2019
La complessità del #Metoo in Europa DWF 2019
“Il fattore “D” nell'università italiana: il caso delle economiste SAPERI di GENERE Prospettive interdisciplinari su formazione, università, lavoro, politiche e movimenti sociali 2018
A Case Study of Pluralism in Economics: The Heterodox Glass Ceiling in Italy REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 2018
The Democracy of Ideas: J. S. Mill, Liberalism and the Economic Debate Classical Economics Today. Essays in Honor of Alessandro Roncaglia 2018
Preface Classical Economics Today. Essays in Honor of Alessandro Roncaglia 2018
Classical Economics Today. Essays in Honor of Alessandro Roncaglia 2018
The Two Faces of Economic Forecasting in Italy: Vera Cao Pinna and Almerina Ipsevich Routledge Handbook of the History of Women’s Economic Thought 2018
A new European microfinance panel data set: The European Microfinance Network survey 2006-2015 EMN Working Paper 2018
The History of Economic Thought and Mainstream Economics: A Long-Term Analysis Money, Finance and Crises in Economic History 2018
Un anno di #MeToo. Il costo delle molestie INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2018
Migranti che fanno impresa con il microcredito INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2018
Serve un pink new deal per uscire dalla crisi INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2018
Bina Agarwal e le altre, all'Accademia dei Lincei INGENERE NEWSLETTER 2018


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Interessi di ricerca

Marcella Corsi is Professor of Economics at Sapienza University of Rome. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Manchester (UK) and a degree in Statistics/Economics from University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She has worked as consultant for European Commission, European Parliament and OECD, and for several Italian institutions. She is among the founders of the association Economia Civile ( and the web-magazine (

She is a feminist economist and her research activity mainly focuses on issues related to Social Inclusion, Social protection and Income distribution. In these fields of study, she is the author of several articles published in English and Italian, and she has been one of the scientific coordinators of the European Network of Gender Equality Experts Since March 2017 she is the editor of the International Review of Sociology and the coordinator of Minerva - Laboratory on Gender Diversity and Gender Inequality (

For a selection of her publications:



gender analysis
social exclusion/inclusion
innovative finance

Progetti di Ricerca

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