Marta Della Seta


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Geological and geotechnical models definition for 3rd level seismic microzonation studies in Central Italy BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2020
Quaternary rock avalanches in the Apennines. New data and interpretation of the huge clastic deposit of the L'Aquila Basin (central Italy) GEOMORPHOLOGY 2020
The Giant Seymareh Landslide (Zagros Mts., Iran): A Lesson for Evaluating Multi-temporal Hazard Scenarios Applied Geology - Approaches to Future Resource Management 2020
Evaluation of tectonics and landscape evolution contribute as predisposing factor for a Mass Rock Creep deforming slope in the Zagros Belt (Iran) EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020 2020
Fluvial inverse modelling for inferring the timing of Quaternary uplift in the Simbruini range (Central Apennines, Italy) Geomorphometry 2020 2020
Influence of Geological Complexities on Local Seismic Response in the Municipality of Forio (Ischia Island, Italy) ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2020
A spatiotemporal object-oriented data model for landslides (LOOM) LANDSLIDES 2020
A hierarchical model for the Rocca di Sciara northeastern slope instabilities (Sicily, Italy) Applied geology. Approaches to future resource management 2020
Il progetto Lab2Go per la diffusione della pratica laboratoriale nelle scuole secondarie di II grado LA FISICA NELLA SCUOLA 2020
Earthquake‐induced landslide scenarios for seismic microzonation. Application to the Accumoli area (Rieti, Italy) BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 2019
Impact of landslides on transportation routes during the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence LANDSLIDES 2019
New insights on the predisposing factors and geomorphic response to the largest landslide on emerged earth surface. The Seymareh rock slide - debris avalanche (Zagros Mts., Iran) EARTH SURFACE DYNAMICS DISCUSSIONS 2019
Geostructural and geomorphic constraints for landscape evolution modeling and stress-strain numerical analysis of the giant Seymareh landslide (Zagros Mts., Iran) Proceedings of the 2019 EGU General Assembly. 7-12 April 2019, Wien, Austria 2019
Multiple natural hazards at volcanic islands. A review for the Ischia volcano (Italy) JOURNAL OF APPLIED VOLCANOLOGY 2019
Emplacement kinematics of the Seymareh rock-avalanche debris (Iran) inferred by field and remote surveying ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT 2019
Geomorphological investigation on the Siah-kuh Mass Rock Creep deformation (Zagros Mts., Iran) through Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry and quantitative geomorphic analysis Proceedings of the 2019 Regional Conference on Geomorphology 2019
Reconstruction of river valley evolution before and after the emplacement of the giant Seymareh rock avalanche (Zagros Mts., Iran) EARTH SURFACE DYNAMICS 2019
Object-oriented geomorphological mapping model for landslide system analysis Geophysical Research Abstracts 2019
Combining stream terraces analysis, longitudinal profiles modelling and catchment-scale geomorphometry for estimating trend and rates of valley incision: new insights from Central Apennines (Italy). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-7664-1, 2019 2019
Earthquake-induced landslide scenarios obtained through the PARSIFAL approach in the municipality of Accumoli (Italy) Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Protection and Development of Environment and Constructions- Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, 2019 2019


  • PE10_5
  • PE10_13
  • PE10_20

Interessi di ricerca

  • Geomorfologia del Quaternario - Quaternary geomorphology
  • Marker geomorfologici di attività tettonica - Geomorphic markers of active tectonics
  • Modelli di evoluzione del rilievo per l'analisi di stabilità dei versanti - Landscape evolution modelling for slope stability analysis
  • Monitoraggio di aree soggette ad erosione accelerata del suolo - Geomorphological monitoring of areas affected by accelerated soil erosion



geomorphological analysis
geomorphological mapping
aerial survey

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma