Stefano Atzeni


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Experimental evidence for the enhanced and reduced stopping regimes for protons propagating through hot plasmas SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2018
Experimental observation of parametric instabilities at laser intensities relevant for shock ignition EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 2017
Laser-driven shock waves studied by X-ray radiography PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2017
Synthetic diagnostics for interpretation of ICF experiments using hydrodynamic simulations 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 26 - 30 June 2017, Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK), Europhysics Conference Abstracts, vol. 41F 2017
Shock ignition targets: gain and robustness vs ignition threshold factor Bulletin of the American Physical SocietyBULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 2017
Numerical simulation of exploding pusher targets Bulletin of the American Physical SocietyBULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 2017
Improved robustness study of a shock ignited target, with DUED code including non-local electron transport and 3D laser ray-tracing JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2016
Ion-kinetic simulation of D-3He gas-filled ICF target implosions with moderate to large Knudsen number PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 2016
Study of shock waves generation, hot electron production and role of parametric instabilities in an intensity regime relevant for the shock ignition JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES 2016
Comparisons of time explicit hybrid kinetic-fluid code Architect for Plasma Wakefield Acceleration with a full PIC code JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 2016
Measuring and increasing the safety margin of high-gain shock-ignited targets 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 4-8 July 2016, Leuven, Belgium, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 40A 2016
Investigation of the transition between hydrodynamic and kinetic regimes for DT exploding pushers at OMEGA and the NIF Bulletin of the American Physical SocietyBULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 2016
Shock ignition: a brief overview and progress in the design of robust targets PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION 2015
Light for controlled fusion energy: A perspective on laser-driven inertial fusion EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 2015
Magnetic field generation and diffusion by a laser-produced blast wave propagating in non-homogenous plasma NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2015
Assessment of ion kinetic effects in shock-driven inertial confinement fusion implosions using fusion burn imaging PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 2015
Neutron spectra and temperature diagnostics of imploded ICF plasmas 42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 22-26 June 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 39E 2015
42nd European Conference on Plasma Physics, 22-26 June 2015, Lisbon, Portugal,Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 39E 2015

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