Rosa Lombardi


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Knowledge transferring and small and medium enterprise’s (SME’s) effectiveness: emerging insights and future directions BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 2021
The climate-related information in the changing EU directive on non-financial reporting and disclosure: first evidence by Italian large companies JOURNAL OF APPLIED ACCOUNTING RESEARCH 2021
The going-concern-principle in non-financial disclosure. Concepts and future challenges 2021
Prudenza vs. Correttezza: sulla capacità di ammortamento come criterio di stima del valore recuperabile nel modello contabile civilistico italiano Scritti in Onore di Luciano Marchi. Volume IV. Bilancio e informativa economico-sociale 2021
Translating knowledge through business model tensions. A case study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND DECISION MAKING 2021
Sustainability performance and social media: an explorative analysis MEDITARI ACCOUNTANCY RESEARCH 2021
Familiness, business strategy and stakeholder engagement. The internationalisation of Spanish olive oil mills BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2021
Intellectual Capital, Smart Technologies and Digitalization. Emerging Issues and Opportunities 2021
The theory of new business models innovation and sustainability. Toward new investigations of smart technologies Intellectual capital, smart technologies and digitalization. Emerging issues and opportunities 2021
Le dimensioni della conoscenza aziendale. Profili di investigazione tra crisi pandemica ed economia digitale MANAGEMENT CONTROL 2021
The impact of Gender diversity on Healthcare System and Leadership: A first SLR for the future research MECOSAN 2021
The role of boundary management in open innovation: towards a 3D perspective BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 2021
Business models, circular and green economy towards sustainability. A systematic literature review PICCOLA IMPRESA 2021
Policy recommendations for promoting touristic attractivity from local government perspective in innovative environments Electronic government. 20th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2021 Granada, Spain, September 7–9, 2021. Proceedings 2021
An introduction to network analysis in intellectual capital research Research handbook on intellectual capital and business 2021
Exploring sustainable governance: Compliance with the Italian related party transactions regulation for the legal protection of minority shareholders CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2020
Exploratory evidence on anticorruption activities in the Spanish context: A sustainable governance approach JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2020
A sustainable governance model to prevent corporate corruption. Integrating anticorruption practices, corporate strategy and business processes BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2020
The engagement of stakeholders in non-financial reporting. New information‐pressure, stimuli, inertia, under short‐termism in the banking industry CORPORATE SOCIAL-RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2020
Cultural dimensions, Global Reporting Initiatives commitment, and corporate social responsibility issues. New evidence from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development banks CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2020

Interessi di ricerca

SH1_4 Financial economics; banking; corporate finance; international finance; accounting; auditing; insurance

SH1_9 Industrial organisation; strategy; entrepreneurship

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma