Marco Pingaro


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Statistical homogenization of polycrystal composite materials with thin interfaces using virtual element method COMPOSITE STRUCTURES 2021
Limit Analysis approach for the in-plane collapse of masonry arches PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2021
Masonry simulations using cohesion parameter as code enrichment for a non-standard limit analysis approach Murico7 – mechanics of masonry structures strengthened with composite materials 2021
Micromodels for the in-plane failure analysis of masonry walls: Limit Analysis, FEM and FEM/DEM approaches FRATTURA E INTEGRITÀ STRUTTURALE 2020
Optimal sensors placement for damage detection of beam structures Lecture notes in mechanical engineering 2020
A simple and effective method based on strain projections to alleviate locking in isogeometric solid shells COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2020
Discrete and continuous approaches for the failure analysis of masonry structures subjected to settlements FRONTIERS IN BUILT ENVIRONMENT 2020
Analysis and Damage Identification of a Moderately Thick Cracked Beam Using an Interdependent Locking-Free Element JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 2020
Optimal sensors placement in dynamic damage detection of beams using a statistical approach JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS 2020
Micromodels for the in-plane failure analysis of masonry walls with friction: Limit analysis and dem-fem/dem approaches Lecture notes in mechanical engineering 2020
Fast statistical homogenization procedure (FSHP) for particle random composites using virtual element method COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2019
Homogenization of random porous materials with low-order virtual elements ASCE-ASME JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY IN ENGINEERING SYSTEMS. PART B. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2019
A statistically based method for the selection of sensors networks in dynamic damage detection of beams ANCRiSST 2019 Procedia: 14th International Workshop on Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology 2019
Statistical homogenization of random porous media Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, UNCECOMP 2019 2019
A virtual element approach for micropolar continua 15th International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS 2019 2019
An innovative H∞–norm based worst case scenario approach for dynamic compliance optimization with applications to viscoelastic beams STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION 2017
A new approach to optimization of viscoelastic beams: minimization of the input/output transfer function H∞ -norm STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION 2017
A fast approach to analysis and optimization of viscoelastic beams COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 2016
Designing manufacturable viscoelastic devices using a topology optimization approach within a truly-mixed fem framework ECCOMAS Congress 2016 - Proceedings of the 7th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2016


  • PE8_3


  • Advanced materials

Interessi di ricerca

Main research topics:

  • Analysis with mixed finite elements (Truly Mixed). Implementation of finite element codes using the Hellinger-Reissner formulation for the solution challenging of structural problems (PEERS element and Arnold-Winther element, etc.):in plane elasticity, viscoelasticity, and plasticity.
  • Second gradient problems and application. Characterized materials with internal length scale: porous materials, composites or fractured media.
  • Isogeometric analysis. Numerical analysis technique that exploits the definition of exact geometry of the domain and high regularity. Thanks to these characteristics is used for the solution of fourth order problems such as plates and shells.
  • Project GeoPDEs. Implementation of parts of the code in the program for the isogeometric analysis GeoPDEs. In particular, the part relating to the problems of fourth order (see
  • Topology Optimization. Study and Implementation of codes for topology optimization using mixed finite elements.
  • VEM elements. Study and implementation of codes using Virtual Element Method applied to topology optimization and homogenization of random composite materials. In this project we implement a program in Python (PyVEM) for 2-D linear elasticity (isotropic and orthotropic) and enriched continuum such as Cosserat continuum.
  • Random composite materials. Study random materials made of matrix and inclusions (particles); examples of such materials are polymer, ceramic, metal matrix composites, but also granular materials, concrete, masonry made of crushed stones casually arranged in the mortar and even porous rocks.


computational mechanics
Virtual element method
finite element method (FEM)
limit analysis
brick/block masonry
Random composites
Scale-dependent statistical homogenization
Statistical homogenization

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma