Nicolo' Spagnolo


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Adaptive phase estimation through a genetic algorithm PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 2020
Experimental adaptive Bayesian estimation of multiple phases with limited data NPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION 2020
Propagation of structured light through tissue-mimicking phantoms OPTICS EXPRESS 2020
Validating multi-photon quantum interference with finite data QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020
Multiphase estimation without a reference mode PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2020
Photonic quantum metrology AVS QUANTUM SCIENCE 2020
Pattern recognition techniques for boson sampling validation PHYSICAL REVIEW. X 2019
Experimental engineering of arbitrary qudit states with discrete-time quantum walks PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
Photonic quantum information processing: a review REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS 2019
Witnessing genuine multiphoton indistinguishability PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
The race for quantum supremacy: pushing the classical limit for photonic hardware NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW 2019
Visual assessment of multi-photon interference QUANTUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
Experimental multiphase estimation on a chip OPTICA 2019
Calibration of quantum sensors by neural networks PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019
Photonic implementation of boson sampling: a review ADVANCED PHOTONICS 2019
Machine learning for quantum metrology PROCEEDINGS 2019
Air-core fiber distribution of hybrid vector vortex-polarization entangled states ADVANCED PHOTONICS 2019
Machine learning for experimental single shot phase estimation Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) V: Quantum Technologies 2019
A modular source of entangled photon pairs in femtosecond-laser written waveguide circuits 2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019 2019
Experimental statistical signature of many-body quantum interference NATURE PHOTONICS 2018

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