Roberto Garra


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Run-and-tumble motion in one dimension with space-dependent speed PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2019
Towards a generalized beer-lambert law FRACTAL AND FRACTIONAL 2018
The Prabhakar or three parameter Mittag–Leffler function: Theory and application COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE & NUMERICAL SIMULATION 2018
The fractional Dodson diffusion equation: a new approach RICERCHE DI MATEMATICA 2018
Scott-Blair models with time-varying viscosity APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS 2018
A note on Hadamard fractional differential equations with varying coefficients and their applications in probability MATHEMATICS 2018
Propagation of nonlinear thermoelastic waves in porous media within the theory of heat conduction with memory: physical derivation and exact solutions MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 2017
A generalization of the Lomnitz logarithmic creep law via Hadamard fractional calculus CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS 2017
Fractional Herglotz variational principles with generalized Caputo derivatives CHAOS, SOLITONS AND FRACTALS 2017
Nonlinear heat conduction equations with memory: Physical meaning and analytical results JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2017
Some probabilistic properties of fractional point processes STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 2017
Planar piecewise linear random motions with jumps MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES 2017
Random Flights Related to the Euler - Poisson - Darboux Equation MARKOV PROCESSES AND RELATED FIELDS 2016
On the generalized Hardy–Hardy–Maurer model with memory effects NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 2016
Correlated fractional counting processes on a finite-time interval JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY 2015
State-dependent fractional point processes JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY 2015
Analytical solution of space-time fractional telegraph-type equations involving Hilfer and Hadamard derivatives INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 2015
Fractional diffusions with time-varying coefficients JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2015
Fractional Relaxation and Fractional Oscillation Models Involving Erdélyi-Kober Integrals FRACTIONAL CALCULUS & APPLIED ANALYSIS 2015
Memory Effects on Nonlinear Temperature and Pressure Wave Propagation in the Boundary between Two Fluid-Saturated Porous Rocks ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 2015

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