Daniele Diso


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Colistin-based treatment of multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacterial pulmonary infections after lung transplantation TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2019
Do the right thing! JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 2019
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor after lung transplant-A rare and aggressive complication. A case report. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS 2019
Early clear cell “sugar” lung cancer management. A case report and a brief literature review THORACIC CANCER 2019
Antibiotic and anticoagulation therapy in Lemierre’s syndrome: case report and review JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY 2019
Video-assisted thoracoscopic treatment of pneumothorax Shanghai Chest SHC 2019
Late Breaking Abstract- Pneumonectomy in patients with reduced pulmonary function: complications and 30-day mortality European Respiratoy Journal 2019
Vena cava anomalies in thoracic surgery JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY 2018
Do Repeated Operations for Recurrent Colorectal Lung Metastases Result in Improved Survival? ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY 2018
Pulmonary artery resections for lung cancer. When and how? Shanghai Chest SHC 2018
Complications related to endoscopic lung volume reduction for emphysema with endobronchial valves. Results of a multicenter study JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 2018
Visual analysis versus quantitative CT analysis of interlobar fissure integrity in selecting emphysematous patients for endobronchial valve treatment INTERACTIVE CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC SURGERY 2018
Unidirectional endobronchial valves for management of persistent air-leaks. Results of a multicenter study JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 2018
Bronchoscopic treatment of emphysema. An update JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 2018
Wind of change in surgical treatment of thymic tumors JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 2018
Lung and airway surgical procedures Diagnostic Imaging for Thoracic Surgery 2018
Uniportal thoracoscopy for pneumothorax EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL 2018
Thymic epithelial tumors phenotype relies on miR-145-5p epigenetic regulation MOLECULAR CANCER 2017
Multimodality treatment of stage II thymic tumours JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE 2017
Blockade of Stearoyl-CoA-desaturase 1 activity reverts resistance to cisplatin in lung cancer stem cells CANCER LETTERS 2017

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