Laura Varone


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Specific leaf area variations drive acclimation of Cistus salvifolius in different light environments PHOTOSYNTHETICA 2017
Anatomical and morphological leaf traits of three evergreen ferns (Polystichum setiferum, Polypodium interjectum and Asplenium scolopendrium) AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL 2017
Provenance effect on carbon assimilation, photochemistry and leaf morphology in Mediterranean Cistus species under chilling stress PLANT BIOLOGY 2017
Carbon storage by Mediterranean vegetation developing inside a protected area RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2017
Photochemical performance of Carpobrotus edulis in response to various substrate salt concentrations SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 2017
Carbon dioxide sequestration capability of the Botanical Garden of Rome: environmental and economic benefits 2017
Plasticity of plant and leaf traits in response to environmental factors 2017
Short-term physiological plasticity.Trade-off between drought and recovery responses in three Mediterranean cistus species ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2017
CO2sequestration in two mediterranean dune areas subjected to a different level of anthropogenic disturbance ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE 2017
Carbon sequestration of four urban parks in Rome URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING 2016
Evergreen species response to Mediterranean climate stress factors IFOREST 2016
Physiological differences of five Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) ecotypes growing under common growth conditions were related to native local climate PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY 2016
Carbon gain optimization in five broadleaf deciduous trees in response to light variation within the crown. Correlations among morphological, anatomical and physiological leaf traits ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA 2015
Corylus avellana responsiveness to light variations: morphological, anatomical and physiological leaf trait plasticity PHOTOSYNTHETICA 2015
Leaf respiration responsiveness to induced water stress in Mediterranean species ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 2015
Pinus pinea L. plant trait variations in response to tree age and silvicultural management and carbon storage capability RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015
The use of maps as a monitoring tool of protected area management RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI 2015


  • LS8
  • LS8_5
  • LS8_14

Interessi di ricerca

Ecophysiology of the Mediterranean plant speciesChlorophyll fluorescence (direct and modulated fluorescence); gas exchange (net photosynthesis; stomatal conductance; leaf transpiration; leaf respiration); leaf anatomy; leaf morphology (morphological leaf indexes such as LMA, SLA, LDMC) leaf water status (leaf water potential, relative water content); plant functional trait covariation; photosynthetic pigment content; relationship between net photosynthesis and air temperature.

Phenotypic plasticityAcclimation; adaptation; ecotypes; growth analysis; interspecific and intraspecific variation; local adaptation; leaf phenology; plant functional trait covariation; plasticity indexes.

Forest structureCarbon sequestration and storage; crown volume; leaf area density (LAD); leaf area index (LAI); plant biomass and productivity; plant density; plant height; plant total basal area; reforestation


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