Carlo D'Ippoliti


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Le pensioni tra efficienza economica e giustizia sociale: un connubio possibile MONETA E CREDITO 2016
The Gendered Nature of Poverty in the EU: Individualized versus Collective Poverty Measures FEMINIST ECONOMICS 2016
Southern Europe: Common Problems, Different Solutions ECONOMIA & LAVORO 2016
Public Investments... To Do What? Beyond ‘Bread and Butter’ Social Democracy Delivering Empowered Welfare Societies 2016
Gender, class and the crisis Varieties of Economic Inequality 2016
Paolo Sylos Labini: critical economist in critical times Contribuciones de pensadores italianos a la ciencia económica 2016
Introduction: Time for a New Debate on Europe PSL QUARTERLY REVIEW 2016
Introduzione: Tempo di rilanciare il dibattito sull’Unione Europea MONETA E CREDITO 2016
Editorial: Paolo Sylos Labini (1920-2005) PSL QUARTERLY REVIEW 2015
Introduction PSL QUARTERLY REVIEW 2015
Frederic S. Lee and the Challenges for Heterodox Economics BULLETIN OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 2015
Verso una geografia della discriminazione delle persone LGBT EYESREG 2015
The European Union as Peter Pan. Global and Foreign Policy Implications of the Eurozone Crisis For a Connecting Progressive Agenda 2015
Gender, class and the crisis CEB Working Papers 2015
Heterodox economics and the history of economic thought Advancing the Frontiers of Heterodox Economics: Essays in Honor of Frederic S. Lee 2015
The ECB's Misleading Understanding of the Euro Crisis Struggle in a time of crisis 2015

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