Paolo Ciucci


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Factors affecting the home range of Dinaric-Pindos brown bears JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY 2021
Estimating Admixture at the Population Scale: Taking Imperfect Detectability and Uncertainty in Hybrid Classification Seriously JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 2021
A deepening understanding of animal culture suggests lessons for conservation PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2021
Developmental instability and phenotypic evolution in a small and isolated bear population BIOLOGY LETTERS 2021
Are large carnivores the real issue? Solutions for improving conflict management through stakeholder participation SUSTAINABILITY 2021
Gaining insight into the assimilated diet of small bear populations by stable isotope analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2021
Broadening the toolset for stakeholder engagement to explore consensus over wolf management JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2021
Cross-continental comparison of parasite communities in a wide-ranging carnivore suggests associations with prey diversity and host density ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2021
Cost of coexisting with a relict large carnivore population: Impact of apennine brown bears, 2005–2015 ANIMALS 2021
Assessing Forest Structural and Topographic Effects on Habitat Productivity for the Endangered Apennine Brown Bear FORESTS 2021
Multiple species-specific molecular markers using nanofluidic array as a tool to detect prey DNA from carnivore scats ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2021
Ecological correlates of large carnivore depredation on sheep in Europe GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION 2021
First core microsatellite panel identification in Apennine brown bears (Ursus arctos marsicanus): a collaborative approach BMC GENOMICS 2021
Assessing trends in wolf impact on livestock through verified claims in historical vs. recent areas of occurrence in Italy EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH 2021
Anthropogenic food subsidies hinder the ecological role of wolves: Insights for conservation of apex predators in human-modified landscapes GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION 2020
Attacked from two fronts: Interactive effects of anthropogenic and biotic disturbances generate complex movement patterns ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH 2020
European agreements for nature conservation need to explicitly address wolf-dog hybridisation BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 2020
Assessing the dynamics of hybridization through a matrix modelling approach ECOLOGICAL MODELLING 2020
Applying Participatory Processes to Address Conflicts Over the Conservation of Large Carnivores: Understanding Conditions for Successful Management FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2020
Brown Bear (Ursus arctos; Eurasia) Bears of the World. Ecology, Conservation and Management 2020


  • LS8_2
  • LS8_3
  • LS8_4
  • LS8_11


  • Life-science technologies & biotechnologies

Interessi di ricerca

Main research interests comprise wildlife ecology and management, with a focus on ecology and conservation of large carnivores. Fields of application range from population assessment and monitoring to space-use patterns and movement ecology, feeding ecology, habitat selection and suitability, landscape connectivity, conservation planning and conflict mitigation. Methods and techiques employed comprise VHF- and GPS-telemetry, noninvasive genetics, camera-trapping, scat-analysis, Resource Selection Functions, population and habitat modelling.


wildlife management
Wildlife conservation
Population dynamics
large carnivores
human-wildlife conflict

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma