Giorgio Grani


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer – what should (and what should not) be done NATURE REVIEWS. ENDOCRINOLOGY 2018
Sonographically estimated risks of malignancy for thyroid nodules computed with five standard classification systems. Changes over time and their relation to malignancy THYROID 2018
A synonymous RET substitution enhances the oncogenic effect of an in-cis missense mutation by increasing constitutive splicing efficiency PLOS GENETICS 2018
Thyroid nodule recurrence following lobo-isthmectomy: incidence, patient’s characteristics, and risk factors JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION 2018
Prediction of response to vemurafenib in BRAF V600E mutant cancers based on a network approach ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY 2018
Ultrasonography scoring systems can rule out malignancy in cytologically indeterminate thyroid nodules ENDOCRINE 2017
MicroRNA-based molecular classification of papillary thyroid carcinoma INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY 2017
Identification of thyroid-associated serum microRNA profiles and their potential use in thyroid cancer follow-up JOURNAL OF THE ENDOCRINE SOCIETY 2017
Are Evidence-Based Guidelines Reflected in Clinical Practice? An Analysis of Prospectively Collected Data of the Italian Thyroid Cancer Observatory. THYROID 2017
Temporal Changes in Thyroid Nodule Volume: Lack of Effect on Paranodular Thyroid Tissue Volume THYROID 2017
Manuale di Endocrinologia Manuale di Endocrinologia 2017
Risk stratification of neck lesions detected sonographically during the follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM 2016
Severe hypoglycemia in patients with known diabetes requiring emergency department care: A report from an Italian multicenter study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 2016
A comprehensive score to diagnose Hashimoto's thyroiditis: a proposal ENDOCRINE 2015
Influence of Thyrotropin and Thyroid Volume on Basal Serum Calcitonin. EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES 2015
Association of thyroid diseases with primary extra-thyroidal malignancies in women. Results of a cross-sectional study of 6,386 patients PLOS ONE 2015
Grey-scale analysis improves the ultrasonographic evaluation of thyroid nodules MEDICINE 2015
Thyroid autoimmunity and risk of malignancy in thyroid nodules submitted to fine-needle aspiration cytology HEAD & NECK 2015

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