Renata Tambelli


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Clinical symptoms in pre-COVID-19 pandemic versus COVID-19 pandemic samples of Italian university students MINERVA PSYCHIATRY 2023
Responding to the COVID-19 public health emergency: The usefulness of an online brief psychological intervention with Italian university students PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS 2023
Children’s ADHD and Dysregulation Problems, DAT1 Genotype and Methylation, and their Interplay with Family Environment CHILD & YOUTH CARE FORUM 2023
The cognitive consequences of the covid-19 pandemic on members of the general population in italy: a preliminary study on executive inhibition JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE 2022
Sexuality in breast cancer survivors: sexual experiences, emotions, and cognitions in a group of women under hormonal therapy BREAST CANCER 2022
Children’s ADHD and Dysregulation Problems, DAT1 Genotype and Methylation, and their Interplay with Family Environment CHILD & YOUTH CARE FORUM 2022
Clinical Aspects of Manic Episodes After SARS-CoV-2 Contagion or COVID-19 FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2022
Responding to the COVID‐19 public health emergency: The usefulness of an online brief psychological intervention with Italian university students PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS 2022
The quality of father-child feeding interactions mediates the effect of maternal depression on children’s psychopathological symptoms FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY 2022
Transition to Motherhood: A Study on the Association between Somatic Symptoms during Pregnancy and Post-Partum Anxiety and Depression Symptoms INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Mothers and fathers of pre-school children: a study on parenting stress and child's emotional-behavioral difficulties CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY 2022
Somatic, Emotional and Behavioral Symptomatology in Children during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Children’s and Parents’ Alexithymia HEALTHCARE 2022
Deliberative and Affective Risky Decisions in Teenagers: Different Associations with Maladaptive Psychological Functioning and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation? CHILDREN 2022
Internet Addiction among Young Adult University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Peritraumatic Distress, Attachment, and Alexithymia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Obesity and Psychological Factors Associated with Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery: A Longitudinal Study NUTRIENTS 2022
How Has COVID-19 Affected Mental Health and Lifestyle Behaviors after 2 Years? The Third Step of a Longitudinal Study of Italian Citizens INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2022
Sexuality in women after breast cancer: sexual experiences, emotions, and cognitions in a group of women under hormonal therapy JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2022
Sexual experiences in chemsex: response, motivations, and sober sex in a group of italian men who have sex with men JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE 2022
Effectiveness of psychodynamic-oriented counselling intervention in reducing psychological distress in university students seeking help BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING 2022
A Haptic Nonverbal Cognitive Test for Children and Adolescents With Visual Impairment JOURNAL OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENT & BLINDNESS 2022

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