Adriano Barra


Titolo Pubblicato in Anno
Phase diagram of restricted Boltzmann machines and generalized Hopfield networks with arbitrary priors PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2018
An evolutionary game model for behavioral gambit of loyalists: Global awareness and risk-aversion EUROPHYSICS LETTERS 2018
Neural networks retrieving boolean patterns in a sea of gaussian ones JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS 2017
Phase transitions in Restricted Boltzmann Machines with generic priors PHYSICAL REVIEW. E 2017
Metastable states in the hierarchical Dyson model drive parallel processing in the hierarchical Hopfield network JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL 2015
Retrieval capabilities of hierarchical networks: from Dyson to Hopfield PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2015
Hierarchical neural networks perform both serial and parallel processing NEURAL NETWORKS 2015
Notes on stochastic (bio)-logic gates: computing with allosteric cooperativity SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2015
Anergy in self-directed B lymphocytes: A statistical mechanics perspective JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY 2015
Emerging heterogeneities in Italian customs and comparison with nearby countries PLOS ONE 2015
Topological properties of hierarchical networks PHYSICAL REVIEW. E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR AND SOFT MATTER PHYSICS 2015
Multi-Species Mean Field Spin Glasses. Rigorous Results ANNALES HENRI POINCARE' 2015
Exact solution of the van der Waals model in the critical region ANNALS OF PHYSICS 2015
Multi-Species mean-field spin-glasses: Rigorous results ANNALES HENRI POINCARÉ 2015

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